Centre Piece Fishes


Fish Crazy
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
lisburn, N Ireland
Can anybody help me out here?

I am upgrading to a 240ltr tank soon and was wondering if i could put a couple or three firemouth chichlids in with the fish i already have.

If not can anybody suggest fishes that are something the same shape as i have fell in love with these fish.

Cheers Dru
Well lets go down the list:

10 neon teras - snacks when fm's grow (or atleast will get nipped and bullied)
5 orange platys - snacks when fm's grow (or atleast will get nipped and bullied)
7 gold white cloud minnows - snack's when fm's grow (or atleast will get nipped and bullied)
1 red tail shark - aggression issues as rtbs's can be bastards and fm's are very territorial as well
1 bristlenose plec - no problems
4 african dwarf frogs - have no idea how they would react.... possibly ignoreed by fm's
3 guppys - snacks when fm's grow (or atleast will get nipped and bullied)
3 albino corydoras - possibly harrassed, but could be ignored
2 golden apple snails - would assume would pay no attention
1 chocolate gaurami - aggression issues
4 amano shrimp - snacks if the shrimp are small enough

So no....

Ox :good:
LOL, that's great Ox, snack, snack, snack, snack :)

the chocolate gourami will get its ass kicked by the firemouths and so will the froggies.

If you are upgrading to a bigger tank why not put a pr of firemouths in the new tank or move the small stuff into the new tank and put a pr of firemouths in the old tank. Buy a double tier stand and then it won't take up anymore room than it currently does.
My other tank is a high one plus it comes down to the weight as it will be up stairs.
The only other thing i can think of would be gouramis, what relly courerfull ones is there about.
Gouramis would make a good centrepiece. I'm using kribensis as a centre for my own tank and they would be suitable for that setup when smaller, but a fully grown pair might be a problem with neons and white clouds. All of the other fish are large enough not to be bothered by kribs. I know of some people who have kept kribs with neons and had no difficulty.
Well for the weight concern, I would feel confident in putting a 90G (~350L) in most structures on any floor as long as it is placed correctly (perpendicular to joists and up against load bearing wall). So I wouldnt worry about weight unless your cresting 100G or ~400L... then it starts to become a concern.

Ox :good:

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