Hi, this is my second attempt at posting this as the internet went down when i hit submit last time
. One of my Celebes Rainbows has suddenly bugun breathing rapidly, swimming at an odd angle and his spine is bent to the left. He did have all his fins stuck out as if displaying but they've gone back a bit now. He appears to be swimming with his front fins only as they are going very rapidly for him to stay in place and his tail is still. I had to turn the lights out earlier as I needed the socket for a minute (never enough sockets) and whren I turned the lights back on one of the Celebes (possibly him) had got stuck under the CO2 diffuser and was bashing himself against itto try to escape. He got out and literally 10 seconds later I saw this boy violently shaking his head from side to side and swimming in very jerky movements. I have just completed a course of sterazin yesterday and the stats are 0/0/30. is it possible that he has damaged his spine in an attempt to escape the diffuser in a panic or does this sound like something else?