Celebes Or Forktail Rainbow?

Miss Wiggle

Practically perfect in every way
Mar 24, 2006
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we're in the final stages of fishless cycling our tank which is around 60 gals. our LFS has some nice celebes rainbows and forktail rainbows in and we're having a hard time choosing which one we prefer so looking for anyone with experience of either species who can give any advice that might tempt us one way or another.

other fish planned for the tank are a large shoal of harlequin rasboras, 4 x natural wild coloured angels, small group of apistogramma sp, shoal of cory's and a handful of dwarf chain loaches. it's not completely set in stone at the moment though.

the tank is fairly heavily planted although run quite low tech. we have a large filter giving about 10 x tank turnover although we're using a spraybar to dissipate some of the flow.
I currently have both of the celebes and the blue-eye forktails in my tank.
I have to say that out of the 2, I personally think the Celebes are hardier and more striking, the colouring seems to stand out more. The forktails are cute but my preference goes to the Celebes. :)

When you say 'large shoal' of the Harlequins, how many are you thinking of?

I would also say that if you have Angels then the Celebes may be a better option, because they `re bigger and less likely to be harassed or nipped at.
thanks, we like all the shoals quite big so probably about 10 - 15 rasboras, rainbows and corys although perhaps not all straight away!

yes we'd thought that the celebes would be bigger and able to stand up to the angels better but after a bit of reading it seems the forktails are quick enough to not be worried by bigger fish (within reason!).
I have Celebes Rainbowfish. They are one of my fave fishes, but as you pointed out, they are quite slow. My shoal just hover motionlessly above the substrate. I don't know much about the Forktail but they look very interesting. My vote goes to the....(drumroll) Forktails :look:
Forktails would be a bad mix with Angels, they are too "torpedo shaped" and only reach ~4cm (just like natural prey of Neon Tetras in wild), while Celebes are deeper fish and reach ~7cm...

So its Celebes or bust (or no Angels)
Pseudomugil furcata are gorgeous little fish, but Miss Wiggle needs to choose between furcata or "4 x natural wild coloured angels" from her planned stocking, the two will not mix long term.
thanks everyone for your feedback

can anyone give me a second opinion on nobody of the goats statements re the forktails and angels? other sources I've read have said they'd be fine but i can completely understand the logic of the body shape and size being on the dangerous side with angels.

p.s. no disrespect nobody of the goat - just like more than one source for my info, not specifically doubting your info. :D
Why dont you get a shoal of both and see what happens lol! :fun:

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