5 days of growth.
In the meantime I have built a DIY co2 reactor in Rex Griggs style, basically my external filter out put goes into a 22mm waste pipe, which joins a t with the co2 input on, then I have 4ft of downward 22mm pipe, loaded with bio balls and a piece of rubber tubing inside the very end to prevent the bio balls leaving and to reduce the amount of bubbles coming through. This then returns upward after 2 90degree waste pipe bends and goes int the spray bar in the tank. So far, beyond lime green drop checker with the same co2 rate. I've had to turn it down and I can happily say I've never had any co2 bubbles come thru into the tank not even when I really increased the co2 to unusable levels to check. We're talking 10 bps or more.
I've added 30 cherry shrimp, which surprisingly my glowlight tetras quite like the taste off, what an expensive meal that was, saying that there are a few left including a prego female.
Excuse the iPhone quality camera.
Here are some up to date photos. Only issue is pogo helferi seems to be yellowing and melting, everything else is brill, loads of growth loads of pearling, I'm rather chuffed!
Things on the cards for the next few weeks are:
Black background, black spray bars, glass drop checkers ne for each side to make sure co2 is correct, some pogo stellata for the back right, and then grow grow grow.
Any comments welcomed, particularly thoughts on my failing pogo helferi.
Cheers, Andy.