
Aaah. Silly girl. Or boy. I see no mention of tank size in any of the threads either, I have a horrible gut feeling it's going to be way too small (well - any home aquarium would be anyway!) -_-

Oh JC and HMMoG - they're not in the 400l are they? :eek:
Right.....i'll re-write my situation and hopefully you will all understand.

a while back someone gave me a rtc (which sadly died :sad:).....then i saw some more catfish in the shop and thought i would research them. found out they were too big for my tank and posted on here about how i wish i could have them. then i forgot all about it. I then bought my new tank a good 5 maybe 6 months after (which i just rushed into when i saw the pic of the tank because im impatient lol) the tank came with a tsn and rtc and they live happily together (they are still babies at the moment).....when they grow out of the tank they are in now.....they will either go to wharf aquatics (as i have visited them and their rtc is sooo gorgeous lol) or they will go in a home project.....a tropical pond. i have said this a million times on here but yet people still ask the same question everytime i post something. i come on here and post for when my catfish was seriously ill....but instead of help all i get is people moaning about how big the catfish will get. yes i do know they will grow huge and yes i am prepared for when they do. Yes i do know a 400l tank is far too small for 2 5ft catfish but as they are no where near fully grown whats the issue??? i have also previously said that i dont think lfs should be allowed to sell these monster catfishs and it better that i end up with them because i will make sure they are safe and in a suitable home......unlike some people who will "dump" the catfish because he is too big to handle. i'm not saying i know everything about these fish because i dont....which is why i came on here....although now, i think i would have rather just asked the fish shop.

i hope i have cleared everything up :)

Ok well fair enough, but I still feel (personally, and this isnt any kind of an attack on you or anyone else) that once you find these things out, like how big they will get, that the owner of these giant cats, or arowanas, gars or other large fish should be given away to a sensable home (Wharf in your case) as soon a possable, because even though it may not be proven that fish will suffer in tanks that will eventually be too small for them, they should still get the space required as early on in their lives as possable. In short, id take him to Wharf ASAP, as should anyone else with soon to be monsters.


P.S. If you have a digital camera, id love to see some shots of them both, I imagine that theyre stunning...
Not meaning to be devils advocate but was it the Tiger shovelnose that's whisker's were gone...because I read another thread saying the catfishes whiskers were growing back but your saying it died... Im immensely confused and just wondering not being mean or anything :good:
ok, lets do a bulleted summary. (carina, i suggest that you add something along this line to your profile)

1 ) was given red tail catfish A by a friend
2 ) discovered deep and abiding love for big catfish; also discovered just how big is BIG
3 ) red tail catfish A died
4 ) rushed into purchase of 400L tank
5 ) 400L tank came with tiger shovelnose and red tail catfish B
6 ) began making plans/dreams to one day own a giant tank appropriate to these wonderful fish that should have never been sold in a store
Thanks for the bulleted summary, pica. I was trying to figure it out myself haha.

I say give the girl a break. She has the knowledge of how large her fish will get and what to do once they get there, so what else can we do about it? Relax a little, it will be ok! ;)
Thanks for bullet pointing it for me lol - your right....your way is easier to understand than mine lol i just didnt want to miss anything out :lol:

and yes it was the tiger shovel nose who was ill and lost all his whiskers which have now grown back :nod:
if you think you have the room get a red pacu or arowana (cover your tank extremely well) you must purchase these fish at large size, or your cat will b having sushi for dinner.
if you think you have the room get a red pacu or arowana (cover your tank extremely well) you must purchase these fish at large size

The 400ltr tank is too small for these fish. They need a 6x2x2 at least, preferably bigger.

Carina, this is now a few weeks on, so how is finding a new home for the cats going?
i dont think Carina is trying to rehome them,she is worried they will end up with a fishkeeper who cant look after them properly :blink: irony
im still waiting for some pics,how big is each catfish?
whats the point in carrying on this thread?? ive explained the situation and most of you probably dont agree but thats your problem.

and not saying im experienced in monster fish keeping im saying i wont just leave the fish by a river somewhere like some people do.

now can we please leave it at that? and im still waiting for this growth spurt, havent seen any sign of it yet! you can have pictures if you buy me a digital camera as i dont have one that works anymore.

its getting boring now so just drop it eh??

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