New Member
Hi All, please excuse my ignorance if I am a little vague as I am new to the tropical fish area. Essentially I am helping my lad with his new 35 Litre tank.
We have 6 fish in total, they have been happy for the past two weeks (very new to this) and a temp gauge which is sitting nicely in the green.
the problem We have 2 catfish and the smaller of the two was lying on his side at the bottom of the tank this morning... didnt move for ages then had a little swim (the right way up) then went back to the bottom on his side.. I'm worried that this could be early signs of a problem.
Any advice greatly appreciated.
We have 6 fish in total, they have been happy for the past two weeks (very new to this) and a temp gauge which is sitting nicely in the green.
the problem We have 2 catfish and the smaller of the two was lying on his side at the bottom of the tank this morning... didnt move for ages then had a little swim (the right way up) then went back to the bottom on his side.. I'm worried that this could be early signs of a problem.
Any advice greatly appreciated.