Catfish Lay On Its Side


New Member
Apr 27, 2007
Reaction score
Midlands, UK
Hi All, please excuse my ignorance if I am a little vague as I am new to the tropical fish area. Essentially I am helping my lad with his new 35 Litre tank.

We have 6 fish in total, they have been happy for the past two weeks (very new to this) and a temp gauge which is sitting nicely in the green.
the problem:- We have 2 catfish and the smaller of the two was lying on his side at the bottom of the tank this morning... didnt move for ages then had a little swim (the right way up) then went back to the bottom on his side.. I'm worried that this could be early signs of a problem.

Any advice greatly appreciated.
Hi All, please excuse my ignorance if I am a little vague as I am new to the tropical fish area. Essentially I am helping my lad with his new 35 Litre tank.

We have 6 fish in total, they have been happy for the past two weeks (very new to this) and a temp gauge which is sitting nicely in the green.
the problem:- We have 2 catfish and the smaller of the two was lying on his side at the bottom of the tank this morning... didnt move for ages then had a little swim (the right way up) then went back to the bottom on his side.. I'm worried that this could be early signs of a problem.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

Do you know what sort of catfish?
can you give us the following information

Tank size:
tank temp:

What you did to set the tank up before adding fish:

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):
Ahh right forgot that bit - they are both Albino Corydora, I will have to get the other information later :) thanks.

Fish Update: Well unfortunately I came home to find the catfish dead... It was still at the bottom of the tank, but completely life less. He has had a good send away. However, for completeness I wanted to put the additional information as required.

35 litre tank (starter tank)
PH: 7.6 - 8
KH: 3 - 6
GH: 10-16
No2: 0
N03: 25-50
Temp: 24c

Gravel substrate - flushed completely before using. Water in with a quick start additive.
left 2 hours to warm to 20c

Sypmtoms: lazy fish, was lay on its side, moved a little like normal, then went back to lying down. the fish was always a little lethargic since we bought it, and I had put it down to new surroundings.

one third of the water changed bi weekly, using tap safe liquid as required

Nothing new to the tank..

Hopefully I have attached a picture of the tank and the deceased. R.I.P.

Fish Pic:- Fish Pic

Tank Pic: Tank Pic
What's your Amonia (NH3/Nh4) level?
Nitrates (NO3) should be between 10 - 20 your levels are too high;
Sounds like your tank's not cycled yet, that's probably what killed your fish (and will possibly kill the other one to).

Also, Cories are schooling fish and need to be in groups of 6+, however your tank is not big enough for that many, you should look at returning them and getting something smaller and better suited to your tanks size.
Thanks for the info Jozlyn, I went on the advice of the shop worker - it was an aquatics shop and not just a pet shop, will follow this up with them. I will double check the NO3 level - and I need to get an amonia test kit :) thanks for the reply

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