cardinal or rummy nose

Once my Gold gourami gets into the 55g, I am considering adding Rummynose to the 20g. I really like them. Since I have neons who stay closer to the bottom, will the Rummynose stay down there too and I'll have no one up top? Just wondering where they swim. :dunno:

i have a feeling they swim in the mid part of the tank

btw the tank iph is around 7-7.5 really neutral! :p haha

im still looking into the type of fish im getting... hmmm
our rummys spend most of their time low to middle of our tank, you really only see them come to the top when i feed hikari micro pellets which they love :)
IMCL85 said:
Rummynose will do fine with other tetra but I really dont like their poor coloration.
Hey now. Them's fightin' words! ;)
Rummynose/Fireheads spend their time at middle/lower-middle level. They school together tightly most of the time and are quite active fish. They rarely sit in one spot like neons or some other tetras. They require a fair bit of room for swimming, the longer the tank the better. I've not seen them bother their tankmates at all. When healthy, the red markings are quite striking and can cover the entire head and more in a healthy fish. The red is a good indicator of water quality and will fade if the fish are not happy.

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