Carcinogenic, Toxic Preservative In Fish Food

Seems like the same argument I have read on cat food. Different ingredients, but.....toxic. I try to do the best I can with a huge variety...3 different flakes, so the harmful additives will be different each day. Alternating 3 different frozen foods, flakes, algae/veggie/protein wafers, fresh blanched veggies. Nothing I can do about harmful preservatives...

It's hard enough feeding my family without poisoning them.

I just saw a news story how some restaurants are using "Meat Glue"! They take scraps of lesser quality meat, sprinkle it with Meat Glue, knead it together, roll it into a large sausage form, chill it 12 hours, cut it into round steaks and sell it as fillet mignon. Since this fake steak is combined meat like hamburger meat, the E coli bacteria is now in the middle of your fake steak. Unless it is cooked well done, which most people don't order fillet mignon well done, you are a prime candidate for E coli exposure.
Isn't that the stuff they were adding to MCdonalds burgers, and other ground beef products?

Ground beef in my area is so expensive right now.
The meat industry in the US is controlled by a huge corporation that has the best lawyers money can buy. Watch the movie "Fast Food Nation" if you want a good scare. We basically have no control. I'm not saying I have the answer, I'm just getting a little more worried about what we and our pets are eating, drinking and breathing.
Can't do it. Ignorance is bliss. We don't eat fast food too much, but when I need hangover fries, I don't want to battle my headache AND thoughts of being poisoned. :lol:
The meat industry in the US is controlled by a huge corporation that has the best lawyers money can buy. Watch the movie "Fast Food Nation" if you want a good scare. We basically have no control. I'm not saying I have the answer, I'm just getting a little more worried about what we and our pets are eating, drinking and breathing.

Vote the republicans out of office and NEVER support the tea party and you'd be on your way. Oh and also don't watch the propoganda on fox news because O'riley, hannity, and glen beck lie through their gums.

Just my two
Oh man, Politics....leading right for another hangover!

Agree with you though :good:
I live in London by the way lol but have been a huge fan of US politics for a long while
The meat industry in the US is controlled by a huge corporation that has the best lawyers money can buy. Watch the movie "Fast Food Nation" if you want a good scare. We basically have no control. I'm not saying I have the answer, I'm just getting a little more worried about what we and our pets are eating, drinking and breathing.

Vote the republicans out of office and NEVER support the tea party and you'd be on your way. Oh and also don't watch the propoganda on fox news because O'riley, hannity, and glen beck lie through their gums.

Just my two
All politicians are like dirty diapers, they need to be changed often and for the same reason!
Oh my, following this thread think I've got a headache coming on!!! . Time for a beer & McDonalds .... Then at least me, my dog & all my fish can commit euthanasia together!!! Lol.
We could all watch every single element about our own, our children's & pets lives in an attempt to improve the health & vitality of all but personally, the question that rings in my mind is what quality of life would we be actually left with?!
Hey, I like beer, chips, McDonalds & my fish seem to enjoy the food they eat as does my dog (oh and the Mrs!! he he) & so far as I'm aware we are all doing fine so stop worrying & 'live a little'!!!
Haha. You rebel!! Lol My point without saying, I don't want to know anymore. I can't afford to run my own organic farm....I refuse to feed my animals better then i can feed my children. they all get a fresh peas now and then ;). There are so many additives in our food, fish food is probablymore natural than ours.
Almost all the meat I eat i hunted, so I don't really worry about the tiny amounts of something in my food. But when it comes to fish food you need to way the cost of food with fish. If some fish food cost 30 dollars, I'm not buying it so my 10 dollars worth of fish will live a year longer.
This is why I hesitate on giving Tetramin Flakes too often to my fish.
I have been raising my hoplo with frozen bloodworms and sometimes live ones when they are sold. But when I switched to flakes, one time I had a problem: first he got constipated and started to float, another time he was just bloated and I thought he'd begin to get dropsy, but I gave him bloodworm the next day and he returned to normal.
So now I try to balance that and he also gets salad in his diet.
The swordtails don't seem to mind what they eat out of flakes and bloodworms, but they dislike salad and peas.

Let's see what effect the flakes will have on the fry though, as they were fed almost exclusively on flakes, and boiled egg yolk every now and then.

About cat food:
Had one cat get liver cancer after eating some cheap cat food my dad bought. The doctor said that the food contained a ton of sugar and too many toxins and at first it seemed like my cat had diabetes, but it was clear later on that he had a tumor in the liver.
Although this could be a genetic defect, since his father (who was my first cat) also had cancer, but it was ear and brain cancer. Poor kitty, I was only 10 when I had him die in my arms and I was all alone in the house too. T_T

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