Carbon Packet In The Fluval Edge


New Member
Apr 4, 2010
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Hello I have had a fluval edge since April of this year i have it running well and fish are fine.

My question is....

D i need the carbon bag within this? I have read that you do not need it, but its recommended to replaced it every month or so, is tis a gimmick for repeat purchasing?


Hello I have had a fluval edge since April of this year i have it running well and fish are fine.

My question is....

D i need the carbon bag within this? I have read that you do not need it, but its recommended to replaced it every month or so, is tis a gimmick for repeat purchasing?


I think you will find that most of us don't use it as it doesn't serve any purpose unless you are treating with chemical for a disease, then use it after treatment to get rid of chemicals in tank, as for the manufactures advice, of course they advise you to renew, as the Monet is going in there pockets
i took my carbon out of the edge couple of weeks ago, not noticed any difference in the filtration of water. so wont be using it again until i have to use any meds
I'm afraid that the main reason to change carbon once a month is to increase the income of the carbon sales person. Carbon can be useful in certain small circumstances as a chemical filter but when it is needed, once a month is not nearly often enough. Once a week, or even more often, would probably be needed for the carbon to do you any good. Unless you are in one of those rare circumstances where carbon will help, any change of carbon is a waste of money. The main thing that carbon is good at doing is removing organic materials. That means it works well to remove medications when a disease treatment is complete or to remove the tannins that stain your water when you have wood adding color to a tank. If you have a typical situation, you would be better off using the space that your carbon occupies to hold biological media.
I'm very anti-carbon except as outlined by the other comments. I found that the carbon filter pack would saturate and need replacing after about 4 weeks, and I was just throwing out helpful bacteria colonies that had populated the mesh fiber containing the carbon. Then my tank would enter a mini-cycle!

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