Cant Get It Right

I am down under.

In that case, if you're really concerned with checking magnesium, ask Mr Miagi. TBH, I wouldn't bother at this point. Just doing regular water changes will keep Mg in an acceptable range for balance issues. You really only need to get picky about Mg dosing when you're trying to get high growth rates on stony corals.
I only really want Zooanthids. And mushrooms. I would also like to introduce some acros and time goes by.
I am really hopeing i get the hang of it. I have been doing this to long cluelessly. I guess will will tell if it is really my passion. And at the moment i am willing the do the hard yards. Hey btw, how is the mantis Shrimp hunting? I now have 2 10gal with a Male G Smithii and a Female.
I will test the water tommorrow.
Man, I'd sell my soul for a line on a G. Smithii in the States... The demand is so high it seems that everytime one is available for sale its gobbled up.
its funny i dont really apprieciate them as much as i should. I have nearly 8 now (LFS was going to destroy them today). I would sell my soul for a peacock. Anyday.

My KH is one 10 and I dosed my magnesium and calcium correct. Will my calcium lvl stay high>?
its funny i dont really apprieciate them as much as i should. I have nearly 8 now (LFS was going to destroy them today). I would sell my soul for a peacock. Anyday.

My KH is one 10 and I dosed my magnesium and calcium correct. Will my calcium lvl stay high>?

Most likely yes. You'll have to keep dosing all three just at a slower rate to keep them there. Calcification of corals, coraline algae, etc will use up the chemicals over time. The whole system is in an equillibrium of sorts depending on the growth rate of your livestock.

Peacocks are EASY to find in the states... Just go to, they almoast always have them
EEK! woke up this morning to red hair algea all through my tank. On my zoanthids and on my open brain, what the helL

I did a 20% water change on the weekend. Could that have done it? orrrr i had a twin spot in there that i havent seen for abit, if that died it would have caused it yeah?
I did a 20% water change on the weekend. Could that have done it? orrrr i had a twin spot in there that i havent seen for abit, if that died it would have caused it yeah?

Could have been the decaying fish, could have been a lot of things... Yikes, that red hair algae can be TOUGH to beat. Do you skim?
Yeah i am using a Red Sea Berlin 90. Its air driven it actually does a really good job.
I dont have ne sort of film on the surface of the water at all.
I deffinately think this will be a problem. I still have no reading of Phosphates or Nitrates. We will se what happens.
Well my KH is stable but my Calcium continues to go down still. Even after i add the buffer i look at my calcium and its the same.
Alright update
Ski i think i am going to have to pay for a holiday for u to come to australia!!! lol
Since saturday my KH has dropped 3, its now on 7.
Alright update
Ski i think i am going to have to pay for a holiday for u to come to australia!!! lol
Since saturday my KH has dropped 3, its now on 7.

Have you been keeping a log of chemistry readings and dosage amounts? If so can you post it here?
everyday since Sunday i have tested my KH and it keeps reading 7. I am adding the powder to increase it by 1 each day.
So today i got fustrated and but more in than i should of. I am not doing my calcium or anything atm.
Heh, ok, this is tough to get your head around I know. Try this article to understand what to do. As an FYI, your tank is in "Zone 2" in that article.

Two other words of advice... Adding powders directly to tanks isnt the best of ideas, mix it into RO first and then add as a liquid. And second, mushrooms and zoos can do just fine at a kH of 7

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