Still no luck? I know you have posted on this before. I thought you would have some little fry by now. Maybe your Platies are sterile, I have heard that sometimes with swords if they change to male too late in life they can be a sterile male. Since platies are kissing cousins to swords this my hold for them as well.
well i had a mollie female and dhe dies giving birth n all the fry were gone,this was a colple of weeks ago!My platysb havnt given birth ever n ive had the months!But im going to the lfs to get more fishies this weekend so hpefully therle be babies on the way!!
Do you think it might be something to do with the fact that they're all mickey mouse platies? I know that sounds silly at first but maybe they need to outbreed a little. I've heard platies are platies, though. I've heard they don't discriminate on the basis of coloration.
i thought they all breed together!
3 are males and 2 females they act as a group but ive never seen the males chacing females etc!Im gonna get another mollie so hopefully more babies and i might try different platies and see...