Marine Enthusiast!
i want a fluval roma 125, but need to know if i can add more lighting to the tank, as it will be used for planted.... has anyone got this tank, and have any ideas about how to do it?
i've been wanting to upgrade the lighting on my roma 240 for a while now but never got round to it, its the same tank but bigger so the same should apply. i came to the conclusion that the only available space to add more lighting without removing the whole lot would be to put extra light strips under the front and rear flaps. to do this you would have to attach light clips to the underside of the flaps and have them just lifting up when you lift the flaps.
me, being as i am, always looking for better solutions! has come up with a few designs, the one which i think i would use if i was to add the extra lighting would involve the extra lights being on a sort of hinge so you will lift the flap, then lift the light, but the hinge would have to be made from a metal which will not rust or oxidize like stainless steel or similar as not to leech anything untoward into the water. carbon fiber, fiber glass or plastic may be better materials, i just havent come across any hinges made from any of these!
in any case t5's would be best as they are smaller and better!
hope i was of some form of help!