Can you suggest a heater?


Fish Crazy
Oct 19, 2004
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I have a 55 gallon fish tank that i like to heat to about 79 degrees. Right now i have a 200 watt heater. My room gets very cold so i have to set my heater to 86 degrees just to get the tank to 79. The problem comes when i turn on the heat in my room. Then the tank temp can jump up to 86 degrees if i leave the heat in the room on too long. Does anyoen have any suggestions for a better heater that i could set to 79 degrees and actually keep the tank within a degree of that?
I've no experience with them yet (just ordered 2 online) but Ebo Jagers are said to be the best, and to only allow a 1 degree fluctuation, if that. They should arrive in a day or so, I'll let you know how they are.

I've decided to use two heaters instead. I allready have another one lying around my house anyway
K2 u should go with a Visi Therm heater. Great and reliable. You can use 2 heaters without having problems just set them to the same temp n put one on each side of the tank. has very good prices. If u decide to buy new heaters you should get 2 150w heaters. I use 2 300w visitherms in my tank. hope this helps
I would take your advice, but i allready have one 200w heater in my tank. And i had another 200w heater in my droor. So i decided to hook the other one. up. I didn't know i could use two til today. It works great and the temp doesn't fluctuate at all anymore.

Thanks for your help
Hi...I agree with the above. Ebo Jager. I started out my 46 gallon tank with a PennPlax 200 watt heater. My tank temps fluctuated all over the place. I switched to an Ebo Jager and I swear that my LCD thermometer never wavers from 75 degrees and it is on the OPPOSITE side of the tank. SH
I love Ebo Jager heaters. Keeps my temp very consistent. When I purchased mine, the temperature on the heater dial was off by a few degrees than the actual temp in the tank, so the model I have has a small blue cover on the top that you can pop off and calibrate to the exact temp.
two filters is always better than one, simply because if one goes wrong you have chance to change things before your fish notice and die. usually more applicable if you need 300 watts and use two 150w

plus, if you're maxing out your one heater, you should get another so it can reach the temperature you set, not have to compensate. if you say 79 degress you mean 79 degress whether its cold or not, adding another will mean you can set the heater accurately and not have to keep changing it. It obviously cant do the job by itself.

think of it this way, would you expect one heater (set to 79 degrees) to be able to control the temperature of your nearest lake? no. would a super sized one do it? probably. would 30,000 heaters set to 79degrees do it? i imagine so!

make sense?

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