Can You See Your Fish From Your Computer?

Mostly I sit at the dining room table when I'm at the computer, and to my left, slightly behind me is one of my tanks and I constantly turn my head to look at my fishies :D There is also a tank in the kitchen which I see everytime I go out there to make a coffee, which usually takes a while because I tend to stop at the tank and do a headcount and look in. The last tank (at the moment, more to come soon :lol: ) is in my son's bedroom and I have been known to stop there and have a quick peep at each loo break too :*) guess I just can't get enough of our fishies :)

Inchworm - very envious of your fishroom! I want one too :D and a very cute cat as well!!
My aquarium is right next to my desk. It's not a straight on view, but I can usually see everything in there. I have to turn around to see my betta, now. :/ Ever since I moved him to a 5g, I've had to do so. No room on my desk for a 5g, so he's on the oppisite side of my room. Definately miss having someone to look at in that part of my desk.
I have my tanks on 3 walls in a U shape with the computer inbetween them so with just a quick swivel on my chair i can see all the tanks.
All five of my tanks are out of view from the computer sadly. But I suppose none of them would fit in here anyway.
My 55 gallon and one 10 gallon are next to my computer, the rest are in the living room.
My fish are right beside me when i'm at the computer. I have them in my room. I spend a lot of time sitting here when i am working on school work. It's nice to have some life in the room!
I can only see 2 of my tanks from my pooter

Nope, mine are all in the shed, partner wont allow me a house tank any more :sad:
Desktop PC is in the bedroom but i have a wireless network in the house so i can go online anywhere with my laptop! :hyper:
From my computer EYE spy with my little EYE, two tanks, one 60 litre and the other 170 litre :D
so answer to OP question yes I can

but I have a sold 80 gallon downstairs :D

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