Can you really?

Can you really past bye a fish shop without stopping, or go into say a nurseries place where there a

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I do the same thing and walk in and just look, etc...

But I can resist, especially when I know I can't spend the money on fishes at that point in time.... It is too tempting to buy when I'm there so when I can't spend I just don't walk through the door.

Now, when I don't have it to spend.............. :p
Many times, to aggravate them, I would gently pull the steering wheel in the direction of the store as we went past, as if the car had a mind of its own and was on auto-pilot.

:lol: I do the same thing when my husband's in the car with me and we drive by the lfs and say something along the lines of '' He tries to steer the car the other direction. :lol:

I'm thinking of having my wages paid directly to my lfs

I don't have much extra money for fish (okay, I have none right now), but I'm going to start working (outside of the home) soon, so maybe then I'll have a little bit of "fish money". I do like to go and look, though. I'll spend half an hour or so just looking at the fish (it's not a big lfs), the plants, deciding what I want to get sometime, chatting with one of the workers.

So yeah, I can drive by and not go, but it's hard sometimes!

aka Married Lizard :wub:
i always get depressed when i go to my lfs and i know i cant get anything.
i made friends with a hevilypregnant female gold dust mollie and now i am sad that she is gone.she was the reason i went to my lfs.i have keeped track on how long she was planning on getting a 20 gal so i have been at my lfs every day.
(i know i was sayin i was going to get a 30 gal but due to complications i can only get a 20 gal for now :whistle: ) :shifty:
I can't. in fact I honestly just got back from eating dinner with my girlfriend and on the way back we stopped and looked at some baby cories and some pristellas that I want to add soon to the tank :kana:
Definitly not. But fortuntly my husband can. Thou I am slowly breaking him. He now wants to buy a 75 gallon tank just to watch the fish swim. :D But if I do manage to drag him in the pet store he is just as bad with buying things as I am. :wub:
I picked definitly now able to pass the fishie place
I am either at 4 places during the day;
1. At work
2. At the lfs picking up food for fish, lizard, frogs, dog, or cat
3. The stoopid grocery store
4. Home

Notice which one is last.....
I am like Ninja Smurf...I can go to the fish store and spend a half an hour watching all the tanks of fish quite happilyand chat to the personnel there. It's my tranquilizer. I forget the whole world when I'm looking at the fish. It's awesome and way cheaper than Scotch or tranquilizers and easier on your liver....but not your wallet. I was going to rescue a Betta the other day, stuck in with guppies but somebody did buy him. I was glad and sad at the same time. Like I need another fish! :rolleyes:

If you add up the "I can't" and the "definitely not" you've got over 82% of us unable to bypass a fish store. We got it bad friends...and ain't that sweet! :wub:
I went in tonight to by a filter bag....$70.00 later...still trying to figure out how I will hide it from hubby. :lol:
It depends who I'm with. If it's my family, I'll drag them into the store. My friends don't like fish ( :eek:), so I'll reluctantly pass by the store.

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