Can you really?

Can you really past bye a fish shop without stopping, or go into say a nurseries place where there a

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I can't :D

I turned up at a customers work address this afternoon to do a job and in the reception area they had a tall hex tank with tiger barbs and some large(ish) pale orange things ( :dunno: ). I asked for the customer at the desk then stood with my nose about 2" from the glass watching the barbs chasing around. I was so engrossed I didn't notice the customer turn up :lol: He had to cough politely before I noticed and turnd around :rofl:
I voted easily..... I am assisted past all fish stores with a firm hand around my wrist from my loving partner
I can't, and when on road trips I stop by pay phones to look in the phone book and see where the fish stores are in the area and see if I drive with in 15 miles of them if I do I stop by.
I don't think anyoen who spends a significant amount of time on this site can resist. :p
David said:
I don't think anyoen who spends a significant amount of time on this site can resist. :p
Me either. I mean my god if where not looking at them we are typing about them. Plus it is like a car wreak. You don't want to look but then again you don't want to hear what you missed.
I cannot resist. When my kids were younger and went everywhere I did, they would moan as we got closer to the road the LFS is on."Not again, Dad!!" Many times, to aggravate them, I would gently pull the steering wheel in the direction of the store as we went past, as if the car had a mind of its own and was on auto-pilot.

Even today, if I get a little extra time coming at the end of the week and need to cut out of work early, that's where I'm going before I go home (actually, I try to plan my weeks this way!) Some guys find time to stop by the No-Tell Motel this way, some of us find time to stop by FishRUs. Does this mean I have got my priorities straight?
*sigh* I cant! Especially not those cute faces the cories and kuhlies give me! I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have to come out with at least SOMETHING even like a worm.... :( When I show my mom, this is her reaction: " :) :| :( :/ :S :grr: *kaboom* JASON! HOW COULD YOU! *ROAR*" she goes off starts her lecture and even though she does lecture me, I still get more and more :( *sigh* darn those fishies for being so cute :-( i can resist bettas either! Specially the pretty or sick ones that need my rescueing.... *sigh* poor me.... my mean mom lol
I get really embarrassed because there is only one store even close to where I live, and I'm tight on cash, so often I walk in, stay about half an hour looking at all the fish and talking to the lady about what someday I'd like to get for my tank, and then never buy fish :/ I feel like an ass about it, but I need fishy fix once in a while, and it's hard because no one but my brother likes to go to the store for very long.
can't resist,

i was sitting on the bus and it stopped in front of this store that i've never seen before and i saw pictures of tanks on the outside and jumped off the bus and walked in expecting to be surrounded by fish and then i realised is was all reptiles :sly: ... damn misleading window decorations -_-

but i do as NinjaSmurf does and bug my LFS (several of them) all the time :rolleyes:
I voted definately not.

I need fishy fix once in a while, and it's hard because no one but my brother likes to go to the store for very long.

I know exactly how you feel. I cop flak about my fishy fetish all the time :) But i dont care.... They just ROCK.
i definitly cant

its hard for me actually, because in Perth(where i live) and the close areas around it there are 93 listed lfs, and thats just lfs!!!! theres also a ever growing population of lps.

so its a good and bad thing for me :lol:

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