Can You Help Me Understand What Fish Loaches Get Along With?

I definitely think clown loaches are not for me, no matter how nice they look. They sound like a picky fish and may grow quicker than I am ready to upgrade my tank.

I will look into the other species suggested.
But its a parasite...I understand that some people struggle to admit they're wrong mind. We'll leave it at that now as I'm getting bored of this conversation, and I don't think the OP is benefitting from it.
Yes yes it is a parasite *L* BUT on many forums people still class this as an illness is what i am saying

I'll admit i am wrong when l i am, and in my comments above i am not wrong. Just because i do it differently to you does not mean either you OR myself are wrong. But i spose like many diehards, its my way or the highway *sigh*

geer head ~ There are so many loaches out there, see what available, find some you like then research and see if they will be suitable. I miss my yoyos, but them bullying my angels was a no no *L* The clowns on the other hand are lovely. I'm on the search for some Zebra loaches to replace my yoyos.

Let us know what you end up with, loaches are entertaining fish thats for sure.

Water changes are personal choice, you'll soon find what works for you :)
I know some tanks can do without constant water changes, because they're older, heavily planted, and have reached a point (of stabilizing? or something) where nitrites and ammonia are never a problem. The plants eat it up, I guess. I don't have a heavily planted tank, so therefore I have myself some buckets and siphons.

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