Where's Nemo :o
Yes! We'll be waiting!
It hasn't got holes in the lid yet.But I don't leave it screwed on tight...it just sits on top like some of the lids on my larger bowls.So it's not airtight.And it gets taken off fairly often for feeding and maintenance.But I will probably find a way to make a small hole like what the Aquaview has in the top.xXMrBonesXx said:does that jar have holes in the lid?
Both the Aquaview and the Wal Mart jar are 1 gallon,though to me the jar looks biggest.I think it's just that the shape of the Aquaview is wider and therefore shorter.I've been looking for a bigger size container like the Wal Mart one but no luck yet.The fish seem pretty happy but I love to give them more space.I have one female betta currently swimming about in a 10g tank all to herself.In time I'm sure I will add tankmates...but no hurry.I have another female in a 10g community who seems to enjoy "schooling" with the platies.It's neat to see them all swimming back and forth togetherchatterbox said:looks nice!how many gallons
The Aquaview has an undergravel filter but the airstone for it agitates the water a bit more than my bettas like.You can remove the center tube for it and have more space and that is what I often do.The fish seem happier without it.chatterbox said:dose the aqua view have an filter