Can Today Be Any Worse....


A True Oddball
Jul 12, 2005
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UK, Nr Chester
well... what a god damn awful day I've had... :-(

It all started this morning, I stayed at the GFs lastnight, I got up to find I had forgotten the cuff links for my shirt for work, I had forgotten my hair gel, and my toothbrush. Ok so no biggy but when your tired its enough to shoot people for.

I get to work and then have a pain in the ass day with one of the pain in the ass managers... who keeps changing his mind every 5minutes about the webpage he asked me to produce.

So I end up leaving work late get home and find my favorite Polypterus dead... :-(
she was my biggest bichir, and I was able to hand feed her , although she tried for the finger many times. I have not long had her in the new set up, about two weeks, and she seemed to be enjoyingthe new 120gallon tank.

I opened the lid of the tank and there she was sat in the middle of the glass covering cooked and very much dead... :-(

Ok so you maybe saying, "that's your fault!!" becuase bichir are known for escaping, but the tank she was in previously had bigger holes than this tank. She must have squeezed through the gap and then not been able to get back down. :-(

I'm so annoyed with myself, and really upset that she has gone, and I dont know if i can replace her. As the two senegalus and the delhezi got on, now I'm down to one delhezi and one senegalus, and I have read they can be agressive towards each other but they were doing great.

I'm off to cry into my pillow for a few hours...

but on a brighter note I've finally found someone who has an Orante Pimelodus and wants to sell it :) hopefully I'll be able to get to him to buy it, for a bargin £40, lowest ive seen it in the shops is £75, and from importers £35 :hyper:

anyway, back to feeling stupid and sorry for myself and the lonely bichirs who have lost a friend... :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
sorry to hear about your loss. everyone has a bad day now and then. i remember the time when i had almost all the fish in my tank die in one month. that was the worst month ever
Sorry to hear, Its a shame when you loose a fish that old :(

I'm still trying to train my dels to hand feed...Not the easyiest of things lol

Sorry to hear, Its a shame when you loose a fish that old :(

I'm still trying to train my dels to hand feed...Not the easyiest of things lol


aye its not easy, the smaller senegalus just goes and hides and I havent tried with the delhezi, I might get a lower jaw bicher to replace the senegalus, and its totally blown my hopes of breeding the pair now.

well I've had a crap two months so maybe that was the head of the beast and everything will be fine from now on :) maybe :unsure:
Sorry to hear, Its a shame when you loose a fish that old :(

I'm still trying to train my dels to hand feed...Not the easyiest of things lol


aye its not easy, the smaller senegalus just goes and hides and I havent tried with the delhezi, I might get a lower jaw bicher to replace the senegalus, and its totally blown my hopes of breeding the pair now.

well I've had a crap two months so maybe that was the head of the beast and everything will be fine from now on :) maybe :unsure:

Lmao, I'll keep trying :lol:

Onto better things, not trying to sound cold-hearted, but now the bichirs gone;
That leaves a big fat chunk of tank space begging to be filled lol

Any ideas pop to mind?

aye it does, Polypterus endlicheri congicus would be nice, but at a max of 40" its a little big

so I dont know, I've neary finalised the orante pim so that'll be going in there.

Any suggestions?
yeah it would get on with the delhezi or the remaining sengalus, plus they tend to get very agressive and eat anything it ca get a bite of, i have been offered a free one though
:sad: So sorry to hear about your loss §tudz

And especially after having such a crap day.

Chin up.

Thanks all,

well let this be a warning to all you polypterus keepers out there...

cover those holes no matter how small
awwww how poo :(

aye, hope your luck has changed Miss.

I'm up in Leeds over the weekend, as one of mates lives up that way and is having a large day for his birthday. Paintballing in the day and Leeds by night.

we'll see, got 3 presenatation to my whole department today, after that i'll tell you if it's been a good/lucky day!! :unsure:

good stuff, where are you going for paintballing?

i'm not out this weekend sadly, Ian's out with one of his old school mates so i'm enjoying having the house to myself and probably necking wine woooooo :D

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