Can this fish be saved?

If it went the clove way, at least it didn't die of toothache.
Unlike myself. Its absolutely the worst if you are unfortunate enough to have tooth pain on a weekend. Will drive you absolutely nuts, or at least does me like who the heck figured dentists were only needed mon thru fri 9-5 jeeeeesh.
Fish can grow their tails back as long as the area where the fins rays grow out of isn't damaged. It takes about 1 month for the tail to grow back.

If the fish is eating then there is a chance it will survive.
If the fish has stopped eating, euthanise it.

The additives can affect fish and cause liver or kidney damage and that can cause fish to swell up overnight. However, an internal bacterial infection can too. If you have concerns about the items, stop using them and do a 75% water change and gravel clean every day for a week to remove the chemical.

As a general rule, try not to add any chemicals or substances to aquariums because they can all harm fish. The only exception is dechlorinator to neutralise chlorine or chloramine, and medication if the fish have a disease and it has been identified correctly.
This thread was absolutely the craziest thread ive ever read on this forum
Lol. It was a journey. I cant believe after all of that the gosh dang internal filter on the 1.5 gallon was the nail in the coffin. I was definitely going to nurture it back to health without that, I was watching it kind of in the flow of the filter, but its a really weak tetra whisper one but then the fish got a little lower and seemed to get sucked up to the intake, I definitely didnt think it would be blended but a second later it definitely started spinning and when I unplugged the filter, super fast btw, it was definitely shorter than it was before.

It may have turned out with the same result, but I can honestly say I did everything I could. I can also say never again. I would never flush, I think doing it how I did it awhile back with alcohol first to get it drunk or something and then add clove because it definitely doesn't flop all over the place when I did it like that.
Fish can grow their tails back as long as the area where the fins rays grow out of isn't damaged. It takes about 1 month for the tail to grow back.

If the fish is eating then there is a chance it will survive.
If the fish has stopped eating, euthanise it.

The additives can affect fish and cause liver or kidney damage and that can cause fish to swell up overnight. However, an internal bacterial infection can too. If you have concerns about the items, stop using them and do a 75% water change and gravel clean every day for a week to remove the chemical.

As a general rule, try not to add any chemicals or substances to aquariums because they can all harm fish. The only exception is dechlorinator to neutralise chlorine or chloramine, and medication if the fish have a disease and it has been identified correctly.

THANK YOU. SHEESH. Finally a believer. (Jk yall). Was my fish's fin rays area damaged? It had like, some kind of rays coming out...if it had a chance I honestly did try... The dang filter motor took those ray things it had coming out and after seeing it get grinded for a second I said Ok thats that no more.
Lol. I am gathering the fish community is not hip to my type of sarcasm/joking. You guys probably have salt water tanks...
Should the fish's eyes get cloudy or something when its dead? I put it in the clove earlier when it got blended a bit and I deff added more than a few drops, but its eyes look all alert and its really hard to tell but I wouldnt bet money that its for sure not breathing. If it is, its real slight but no way right?
Eyes don't go cloudy when dead.

Put the fish in its container of water with clove oil, into the freezer and let it freeze solid, then bury it in the garden. If the clove oil hasn't killed if, then freezing will finish the job.
Eyes don't go cloudy when dead.

Put the fish in its container of water with clove oil, into the freezer and let it freeze solid, then bury it in the garden. If the clove oil hasn't killed if, then freezing will finish the job.
Ah man, I had almost cleared my mind of this incident..... But it was like, probably 8-10 hours in that clove water, Id imagine it had to of been dead but I definitely flushed it. I was only kidding about the 6ft deep thing, only because it seemed to had already been so over the top I figured I might as well ask that question too.

But thank you all for the words of advice and bearing with me through it all. My apologies if I added a little too many antics. It just was already so crazy to me I went a little too much with semi joking during it all.

Everything did happen as I said though, shoes with no laces with the tongue flopped out, only because going upstairs would have woke somebody up, and then unbelievably ended by the new tanks internal filter, sucked it up to it and chopped off another 1/6 of its body. At that point I knew it was was definitely time for the clove. Dropped it in the water with clove, turned around walked away and didnt look back. Was way over it after that.
It's preferred not to flush fish because any diseases they have can be transmitted to native fishes in the wild. And most native fishes have no immunity to foreign fish diseases from aquariums.

The best way to dispose of dead fish is burn or bury the body a foot of more down. Small fish can be buried 6 inches down but bigger fish should be a bit deeper to stop cats and dogs digging them up.

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