Can this fish be saved?

Warmed water, like use the tank water and microwave or just tap water with (or without lol) some prime dechlorinator? At this point does it even matter anymore? Just asking only in case it does
The whole time a voice in my head saying flush the dang fish flush the dang fish it is freaking 6am now flush it and be done. Im toughin it out tho. Next fish may be flushed right off the bat
Ill say "Oh, fish lookin a little *off* today huh? How about we save the time and ... flush flush away" jk but am feelin a little much with this danio
Would a 9 volt battery and two wires to the water be enough to euthanize? I am honestly only asking out of curiosity. I have the warm water, prime and clove ready to go. The idea just crossed my mind
Stop procrastinating think of that poor little fish suffering and get on and put it out of its misery....its a shame when you have to euthanise a fish but it is the kindest thing you can do for them when they are hurt or unwell and there is little or no hope for them
Stop procrastinating think of that poor little fish suffering and get on and put it out of its misery....its a shame when you have to euthanise a fish but it is the kindest thing you can do for them when they are hurt or unwell and there is little or no hope for them
Honestly I am sure you are 100% correct. I just have a hard time with the no hope part. I am going to go to curse word curse word walmart to get a little hospital tank to at least maybe give it a chance. If it doesnt get any better or if it gets worse I will definitely do what needs done. And I may be making a mistake, likely am, am, and not just for going to walmart to buy a mini fish tank at 6am but maybe I am delaying the inevitable. I just feel like I should at least see if its going to get better or worse. I literally had just seperated it when I first posted. I realize its a stupid freaking feeder fish and all of this is beyond ridiculous, trust me how I urk to flush it but obviously wouldnt do that. I have done the clove thing b4 on a fish no problem that time, so I can do it. If it gets worse no question, done. But I have to at least try something and even if it dont understand the over the top things I tried so that it could heal and live, I will and honestly that is something thats been apart of me since I was a kid...nearly fought my friend in 6th grade for stepping on a grasshopper. I had it in the clove, it just didnt seem like it was ready to go that route so I will do what I can to give it a shot at another route, as long as it seems to get better. And believe me, I know I sound we todd did. But really didn't nemo have a fin that was too small? Jk.... If this dont work though, and you all were right like you most likely are (obviously), then I will definitely know next time and will owe a debt of gratitude to this fish that went though it with me.
I cleaned some old jordans i had but lost the shoe strings but they have became my slip on shoes. Walking into walmart with these shoes on and to buy a little fish tank so early, is almost enough to just clove it.
Horrible....I got the tank all set up and moved the fish to it. Unfortunately this freaking filter that came with the tank has the propellor in a spot where if the fish got sucked up against it, it would propel it. Its in the clove now
On a side note, I have had 3 fish die within the last 3 months it seems where before I had none. And it started after I began using Fluval ClearMax. I got it and phosguard on a huge sale, like 3$ when normally 10 or around that kind of deal.

I did not use the phosguard due to mixed reviews I read. Clearmax also removes phosphates though, can doing that or using claarmax in general cause issues?

The first two fish died within a week of using first packet, one fish was so bloated I could literally see through it.

The other I am not sure what was wrong, probably died from seeing the other fish looking so crazy. The bloated one I tried putting in epson bath, but it died in the bath. Then I had another danio also dead approx 2 weeks later, no signs of injuries or bloat. And now this one, granted its tail was bit off but I have noticed it looking like it was maybe starting to get that bent back, not bad but definitely seemed to be curving.

Obviously totally unrelated to the missing tail, unless being weak makes them a target. Anyways, clearmax is the only thing Ive changed and seems to be or coincidentally wrecking havoc.
Oh and...yall were right. I should have just got it done with earlier. A part of me though says without that insanely ridiculous filter in there. Who really puts a blender in a fish tank, just dumb.
Do you guys think the 6 foot rule is required when it comes to burying a fish? Also, does it need to be marked?


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This thread is painful. Clove oil, always and forever clove oil. Just do it. Never flush a live fish, what a pitiful way to go, dying in sewage.

Clove oil was used back in the day for anesthesia in fish, too much Clove oil will obviously stop normal function and euthanize. How do you think it is done with cats and dogs. The drug we use for euthanasia used to be used for anesthesia 20 years ago. At a correct dose they just sleep, an overdose euthanizes them. They feel nothing as it is anesthetic.

It literally takes 5 minutes to put a poor fish out of its misery. Do it a favor and stop with "just flush it" crap. Honestly. No animal/pet deserves to die a slow and miserable death.

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