Can primefix kill guppies?

OR original song Dead puppies. I just changed it to dead guppies.

Dead guppies, dead guppies
Dead guppies aren't much fun

They don't come when you call
They don't chase my face at all
Dead guppies aren't much fun

My guppy died late last fall
He's still rotting in the tank down the hall
Dead guppies aren't much fun, no, no, no
Mom says guppy's days are through
She's going to throw him in the stew
Dead guppies aren't much fun

Dead guppies, dead, dead, dead, dead guppies
Dead guppies aren't much fun

Come on everybody out there, sing along, okay?

Dead, dead, dead, dead, guppies, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead dead dead guppies
Dead guppies aren't much fun

One more time for dead guppies!

Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead guppies
Dead guppies aren't much fun
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I finally up graded my betta tank, from 3 gallon, to a 6.5 gallon, his new home comes tomorrow.
I also got a 6.5 gallon for my 3 guppies.
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This is the problem with filters which have those carbon cartridges and nothing else. Because carbon has to be removed while treating the fish, there are no good bacteria to remove ammonia and nitrite.

The ideal answer is to replace them with sponge. You can save a lot of the good bacteria by cutting the cartridge open and emptying the carbon out, then put the fabric part back in alongside the sponge. After a month, the cartridge can be removed leaving just the sponge. If there's more than one cartridge, empty the carbon from all of them, but remove them one at a time a couple of weeks apart.
I have a cartage filter with carbon. I just bought AquaClear 70 Foam Filter Inserts, Aquarium Filter Replacement Media, 3-Pack, A1396 .
I just bought on amazon.
hmm I see you getting/moving fish from tank to tank....are you even cycling these tanks?
hmm I see you getting/moving fish from tank to tank....are you even cycling these tanks?
I'm not cycling my 3 gallon, that tank is not going to be my betta's home. Betta is in a 3 gallon tank, until tomorrow. My 20 gallon is cycled. I'm taking my male guppies out of the 20 gallon, and put in 6/5 gallon tank. I gotta get my guppies out of my 20 gallon, cause tetra's nipping their fins. The 6.5 gallon is going to be guppies new home. (I bought two 6.5 gallons, that I will need to cycle. ) II'm going to do a fish in cycle. I will do 50 percent water changes, every day, until cycled.
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