Can I Use This Stuff..


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
My Mum works at B&Q and suggested I have a look at some of their cobbles and rocks as potential decor for my new tanks. I'm pretty sure it has got to be cheaper than buying it all from the LFS.

Pictures below demonstrate what I want to use.

River Cobbles


Polished Chinese Black Pebbles


Anybody know if all this will be safe to use, I assume so as it is all natural??
I bought some of those river cobbles for in my tank, much cheaper than the lfs. I would think but not sure the polished stones so long as they are not chemically polished would be ok.
You could try them in a spare tank (bucket ?) with some daphnia... or even fish :blush:

As long as its STONE and not some recreated stuff, Im sure its fine, but theres going to be some "if its not bought from the LFS" profet along to dispute this...

the polished stones are fine to use i have them in all my tanks though mine were from the household bit at morrisons near the candles and things 99p a bag buy one get one free :)
generaly natural rocks are fine no matter where they are from. (some will affect your water peratators so you have to watch which ones you buy however the river cobbles will be fine)

i bought about 9 big slate pieces from my local garden centre for my tank and broke them down into smaller peices.
I want to do a similar thing with some bogwood. I only need really small pieces as my tanks are only 18" long, so I am hoping to get the remnants of the bottom of my LFS's wood storage container!!! :fun:

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