Can I Put Any More Fish In My Tank

If you wanted to you might just get away with it. But that'd be a lot of small active fish, rather than there being a focal point.

Dwarf gouramis are far more interesting to watch than a group of neons, they dont really do much ;)
my mum and i were talking and i was thinking of giving away my platy's.
I don't think i can hanlde all the breading and everying =/
my pet shop- which i thought was good but am slowely finding out they are not- never told me they would breed like that which annoys me
Yep, livebearers can be a pain. But you did say before one was in a breeding tank/trap? Presumably you're saving the fry? That won't help with numbers ;)

You could just keep the males. Or yes, return the lot.
yeah one is in breeding tank but she isn't giving birth -.-' and yeah i was going to keep the fry. i will try and give them away i think, i will see if anyone wants a preggo one xD but i don't think anyone would take her until she gives birth ;)

so fish in tank(hopefully soon)
6 cory's - or 10?
10 neon tetra's
1 gouromi

that good?
Female platys kept with males are always pregnant. Even if you kept the females and gave away the males you would still get babies as females can store sperm for weeks.

6 regular corys OR 10 dwarf corys
10 neons
1 male dwarf gourami

If you're happy with that it should be fine.

Seeing as you're redoing your whole stock and focusing on corys, it would be a great chance to switch to sand...! So easily done.

Don't add all the fish at once. Give the filter chance to adjust to a changing bioload. I'd add the gourami last.
kk =) so list of things to do

give away platy's
change substrate to sand
Do i do a 100% water change or partial?
add some fish slowely each week

does that sound good?
Are the platys the only thing in the tank? I would hang on to them for now while you change the substrate. You need a source of ammonia to keep the filter cycled. You don't have to part with them before you find the other fish - you may not find 10 dwarf corys the first place you look and need to order them, for example. And you may find an lfs willing to part exchange them for a few neons, etc.

Have a quick search of the forum and you'll find loads of threads about changing from gravel to sand, what to do with the fish while you're doing it, etc.

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