Can I Mix Corys?


New Member
Mar 28, 2011
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Leverett, MA
sorry if this has already been asked, I am new here, and new to fishkeeping. I now have an albino cory and a cory melini ( think that's the right spelling, it's the False Bandit Cory) I actually really love the False Bandit guy, but haven't seen another one in any LFS around yet. When I got mine it was the only one in the tank. I also have a soft spot for pygmys, but don't know if the size difference matters when it comes to shoaling. Thank you for any suggestions or advice!
I have one green cory, 2 peppered and 6 longfin peppers, and they all get along great and shoal together. They're all such wonderful, gentle little guys.
you will find they do much better with ther own kind, i had just 1 Sterbai then found some in my LFS so added another 5 and since he is a complete different fish :good:

most recommend 5-6 of each
Hi all,i`ve got 2 bronze corries ,could i add one peppered or albino to them?
Hi Maisy i wouldn't add anymore fish to your current tank, if/when you upgrade then you could get albinos as they are mostly a varient of bronze anyway :good:
OK thanks for that,at moment have got 4 glowlight tetra and 2 bronze corries,just going to intoduce 2 shrimp until i get a bigger tank ,as looking to get a 48 l in the next few months
right now i have 4 diff kinds of corys. one of each. bronze, trili, peppered, and albino. They shoal. I like the fact that each one is different. I would like to get a panda and something else.
I have a mixed tank of cory's mostly peppered with 3 emerald, 5 dwarf, and 2 many spot and now 6 julii. I have to leave the 2 many spots with the main group as no matter how hard I try I have not been able to get any more, and I figure it's better that they are with other cory's even if they are different types because they'd be too stressed just on their own. The school sterbai that used to be with all the others are now in their own 4ft tank with 1 pr of adult bristle noses, 1 siamese fighter, and cherry shrimp.

When mixing schools of cory's you will defiantly see a difference if you have more than 1 or two of each type, the saying is true birds of a feather flock together. There is never any aggro between the different types but when they are resting they really do show a preferance for huddling up with their own kind, as well as similar sized cory's.
From one sterbai (inherited) I added an albino, and now have 2 each of sterbai, albino and bronze. They all hang out together often, and I take Baccus's point about similar sizes - the three smallest (one of each) are most lively together, and I also find, as Baccus does, that when resting, mine are often in their pairs. But the former lone sterbai is out and about a lot more now there are six corys rather than two, so he seems to have benefited from the additions even though only one was his kind.
Hi ,i`ve got 1 albino and 2 corry,but i do notice that the albino seems to be on it`s own most of the time ,so i`m increasing both to 6 each.
Cories will happily shoal together in my experience no matter of the type :)
I have 1 bronze, 2 peppered and 2 sterbai and they get along great! The more cories I add, the happier they seem, regardless of species! If only I had room for some more :(

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