Can I Have Another Pleco


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
I have a 29 gallon tank with a BN pleco and my mom really wants another pleco, I was wondering if I could get another BN or maybe a clown or other small pleco or are they going to be too territorial?


You should be fine with another small pleco in there like the Bristlenose or Clown. As long as there are plenty of hiding places they shouldn't bother each other.
the female bristle nose has few or new bristles but at a very young age its hard 2 tell. ask your aquariumist he/she should know.
Thanks that's what I thought because where I bought mine the guy asked if I wanted male or female and I said male and he gave me the one with the most bristles.

If I wanted to breed them could I raise them in the main tank or would a 5.5 gallon tank be ok to raise them in till they are big enough to rejoin the parents?

Much Thanks

do a search - there is loads on breeding them on here.

They shoud be fine in a community tank ;)
They don't have to be taken from the parents unless the tank is full; the father looks after them until they have consumed the egg yolk, but after that the parents just ignore them.
Ok thanks, though I'm thinking it would be better to buy 2-3 BN's to see which ones are male and female if the store hasn't had them long enough?
Will be finding out tomorow if there are going to be any female pleco's in town, crossing my fingers. Should I get more than one in hoping to find a mate and a female in case they are too young to tell?

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