Can I Add To These?


New Member
Mar 11, 2009
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hiya guys at the moment i have a 2ft tank 60l with in that i have 1 male guppy 10 guppy fry in a breeding net until big enought then they will also stay in this tank also have 4 amanno shrimp would it be possable to mayb add a ADF? or mayb a crab? or lobster? or how about a clam? that would be cool. if the answer is yes to any of them can u recommend a species.

thanks in advance cheers.
ive not had any experience with these but i know quite a few need a species specific tank
ADF would be fine, but they do require feeding with a pipet and frozen foods. They won't eat any food just lying on the bottom of the tank, they also don't do well on pellets. Basically they need food wiggling right in front of their face, which is why I suggest using a pipet. Also make sure you get a ADF and not a African clawed frog. ACF will get really big and eat your fish, ACF's have no webbing on their front limbs, while ADF do. ADF are also never albino.

Crabs, lobster, and clams. Will either eat your fish, need specific habitats or both. Crabs usually need brackish water and a area of land. They will eat fish. Lobsters will eat fish as well, there are a few that won't but these are hard to find. Clams have some specific needs, I don't know a lot about them. But I think feeding them may be a challenge.
Hi, yes as mentioned you would be fine with an African dwarf frog, just make sure you get an ADF and not an ACF because they are quite often mislabelled by pet stores and an ACF will grow massive and simply eat all your fish.

An ADF have webbing between there front claws and are normally a dark brown in colour.

Also I have never had to hand feed mine and I've had it over a year now. I collect a bit of tank water in a cup (or I use the plastic water filler from an iron) then drop a frozen blood worm cube into the cup and once it has defrosted, tip it into your tank. You're frog will soon come out when it smells the bloodworm and will eat it from the bottom of the tank.

Judging by the amount of fish you have, you wouldn't want to use a full bloodworm cube as there would be too much so you can cut a frozen cube in half.

Click on the link in my Sig for 'Australian Redclaw Crayfish' if you are in the UK its the only Freshwater "lobster" you can keep by law. You tanks too small though.

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