Can dogs be vegetarian (split from thread "Feeding cichlids and other fish meat")

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Do you know what Lev 11 is about?
I'm very clear on what it's about
Are you talking about Leviticus? Because if you are that's embarrassing. Religion has no place in a discussion about biologically appropriate diets for dogs (or people for that matter).
I agree it has no place for animals, for humans I beg to differ but I do still eat meats
As always, there is science on this. Click on View Full Text at the end of the abstract below to see the full paper.

Yes, read these papers. As previously stated, it's true that a dog can survive on a purely vegetarian diet. My objections are based on the ethics of forcing a mainly carnivorous animal to live on a carefully balanced human created meat-less diet when that is not their preference or what they've evolved to live on.
People forcing vegetarian or vegan diets on their pet animals are selfish and cruel. They have the option to choose animals that naturally have a meat free diet as pets, but they want what they want - not what's best for the animal.
From that study abstract:

"A diet devoid of animal ingredients is also likely to be of low palatability to dogs." There's a good reason for that.
Yeah you're right about the human part since religious beliefs can dictate the diet of some.
I'm going to be completely honest though, I eat things I really shouldn't be eating. And I want to TRY to be eating healthier. But I will never stop eating all forms of meats
Yes, read these papers. As previously stated, it's true that a dog can survive on a purely vegetarian diet. My objections are based on the ethics of forcing a mainly carnivorous animal to live on a carefully balanced human created meat-less diet when that is not their preference or what they've evolved to live on.
People forcing vegetarian or vegan diets on their pet animals are selfish and cruel. They have the option to choose animals that naturally have a meat free diet as pets, but they want what they want - not what's best for the animal.
From that study abstract:

"A diet devoid of animal ingredients is also likely to be of low palatability to dogs." There's a good reason for that.
I actually personally see it that dogs and other carnivores should be able to eat meat. Dogs DO eat some fruits and veggies but a dog's diet mainly consists of meat and that should definitely be a main staple in their diet
n addition, can someone fill me in on which religion places importance on "clean" and "unclean" foods, since that seems to be informing the debate without being declared as a factor.
MIdread this statment.

There are a few. One of which are Seventh-day Adventist Christians of which I am one of.
Oh boy... Here come the moderators... Thanks Connor 🙄
When we got our rescue retriever at a week short of nine, she was a physical wreck. The rescue shelter had done wonders for her, but she was still very ill.

She couldn't eat beef for quite a few months. She threw it up. Anything 'rich' was beyond her. We worked in chicken, and eggs, then fish, lamb and finally beef. Gradually she became what her ancestors were - a hardcore omnivore with a cast iron stomach. It took close to 3 years.

To argue with the concept of unclean foods is to argue with faith, I'm afraid. It's black and white, and never really a debate. It is or isn't to those who have this way of thinking.
Years of neglect in a kennel had made our dog an eater of poop, so her religion has a very different view of unclean than anyone here's. Now she's off the dog droppings 100%, but she does have a great love of the gifts deer leave around here. That's an omnivore for you.

She's made it to 14 and is doing well (knock on wood). In my tanks, I feed my omnivores, piscivores, detritivores, insectivores etc differently. I try to adapt to them, and not make them adapt to me. At the start of all this I said feeding a vegan or vegetarian diet to dogs would be not sensible. It can never make them vegans. I rarely eat meat, not because of scriptures but because I don't. If I were to take a few more steps and become a vegetarian 100%, I would still be an omnivore making a choice.
When we got our rescue retriever at a week short of nine, she was a physical wreck. The rescue shelter had done wonders for her, but she was still very ill.

She couldn't eat beef for quite a few months. She threw it up. Anything 'rich' was beyond her. We worked in chicken, and eggs, then fish, lamb and finally beef. Gradually she became what her ancestors were - a hardcore omnivore with a cast iron stomach. It took close to 3 years.

She's made it to 14 and is doing well (knock on wood).
Off-topic I know, but just wanted to say thank you for adopting an older dog! And clearly giving her such a wonderful home to enjoy her retirement years in. That was a lovely story to read!
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