Can Cory Species Be Mixed

silver tipped

Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
New milton, Hampshire

Due to new tanks and a re-shuffle, I jhave some space for more fish in my 15g community tank. I have been thinking for a while about getting a few corys but do they have to be kept as a single species ie all albino or can I mix them, say 1 albino, 1 peppered ect?

Its weird cos I have never really understood the fasination with corys until I saw some baby peppered ones. They were all over the tank like busy little bees and were so cute, that I can't think y I haven't had them before.

Many thanks

Ps they would be with Dwarf Neon Rainbows and silver tipped tetras
I have mixed groups of corys in my tanks and whilst they do interact they seem to prefer moving around with their own types eg. albino with other albinos and bronze with bronzes.

The bigger the group the better they like it.

I didn't know they were the same species. See didn't do enough research :( . I definitlly would get more than 3 cos I do know that they prefer large groups. :D

Many thanks
Albinos and Bronze are the same species so you can mi those.

It would still be a good idea to have 3 or more of either the Bronze or Albino.

Thats like saying, different morphs of guppies wont get along. They are just different colour morphs and be kept together as same species

I didnt say they wouldnt get along. I just know that my Albinos stay in their own school and the Bronze stay in their own school. All cories get along well together.
If you get the same species like the albino and the bronze, if they spawn, they will be cross breeds....

I would keep at least 5 of any species and not keep any together that could cross breed. They prefer to be with their own species rather than say one sterbai with one albino with one Aggazzisi
This is my favorite quote about mixing cory species (I forget where I got this from): "Think if aliens abducted you and meticulously researched your DNA to find a good match, and they put you in a cage with Chimpanzees." *

*It was something like that
I've been putting various corys together for years, they all get along just fine.
This is my favorite quote about mixing cory species (I forget where I got this from): "Think if aliens abducted you and meticulously researched your DNA to find a good match, and they put you in a cage with Chimpanzees." *

*It was something like that

That quote has no relevance too this post as we are far metally superior too chimpanzee's.
I've been putting various corys together for years, they all get along just fine.

Same here (not for years though). We have one trilineatus, one reticulatus and two sterbais and they all swim together with the exception of the trilineatus. I think if they look similar to each other they seem to accept each other better too - as our reticulatus is very similar to the sterbais.

Well thank you for all your thoughts. To be quite honest I never thought about what would happen if they breed as I didn't think it would that easy to get them to breed. Anyway I have now fallen in love with some little panda cories that my lfs had yesterday. They were very small and very cute. So I am just working out how many I can get comfortably in my main tank. Then I will go get them next weekend.

For my second largest tank I have black substrate so I thought some albinos would be perfect for there. Again it is just trying to work out how many would be able to go in there. I am definitly going to get as many as I can. So they should all be happy.

if I have any probs, i'll get back to you all
That's a very funny quote about the chimp and the aliens. But for the moment my rescued little albino, Zero, is quite happing chugging round the tank with the other corydoras, which are Peppers. Perhaps if he turns into something fabulous...and he might, he's all shiny and growing nicely:wub:, then I'll get a couple more Albinos for him. :nod:

So says the confirmed albino hater :lol:'s useless, why fight it...all corydoras are so danged CUTE! :blush:

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