Can Anyone Tell Me What Type This Cory Is?


Mar 10, 2010
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Hi there, I got a few of these cories last week and was just wondering what species they actually are? On the ticket in the shop it said 'Black and White Cories' but when I have tried googling this I dont seem to find anything!

Here is a picture of one

I ask mainly because I like to know exactly what I have in my tank, but also I have had a fatality with one of my trilli's, leaving me with only one left of that kind, so if he is to go for any reason I would like to up my numbers of this other kind so they dont get lonely.

Also, I say 'he' loosely as I have no idea how to sex cories haha, is there an easy way at all?
Thanks, Amy xx
Hi ,i don`t know what they are but they look beautiful ,where did you get them from?
I got them from a place called 'Prestwood Aquatics' although these guys are gorgeous and very active I can't say I would recommend the place. It's very pricey and I felt like the tanks needed a bit more cleaning. The fish all seemed fine on the most part which is why I went ahead and bought these (£8.99 each) but I don't think I'll venture out there again =\ I saw some beautiful Endler Guppies there and they were £7.99 each!! And Betta's were £4.50 which compared to my local places is extortionate!
Amy xx
possibly schwartzi or delfax ? or delphax, however its spelt.
Corydoras Agassizii, AKA spotted. (if i had to take a guess)

I have a Trio of Delphax, they have a white stripe behind the eye, pretty sure its not them.

Female Corys are larger with a rounded belly in most cases its the easiest way to tell via size.
I'm pretty sure they're Corydoras melanistius; have a google and see if that looks like yours. Very, very nice fish, btw!
I've just googled and I think Tizer wins with Corydoras Agassizii. That's them alright! I wish I had got 4 of them to be honest but now I feel sorry for my trilli and so I'll have to get another trilli. They do all shoal together which is nice though.
i thought i had agassizii ? its what they were labelled as anyway




mine aren't black and white though, more like dark brown and sand colour. :blink:
They look like Delphax to me, but im no expert on identifying them. I can only compare to my own Delphax :)
hmm, theres delphax down my lfs, and they dont look like these. they're even in tanks next to each other at the lfs, the delphax are far mroe black and white/silvery, with slightly bigger spots aswell.
Colouration can change with environment.. /shrug

We need a cory pro to help!
I got them from a place called 'Prestwood Aquatics' although these guys are gorgeous and very active I can't say I would recommend the place. It's very pricey and I felt like the tanks needed a bit more cleaning. The fish all seemed fine on the most part which is why I went ahead and bought these (£8.99 each) but I don't think I'll venture out there again =\ I saw some beautiful Endler Guppies there and they were £7.99 each!! And Betta's were £4.50 which compared to my local places is extortionate!
Amy xx

Hi Amy,

Your new tank mates look fantastic even if they do seem a little expensive, I'm so tempted to go a purchase some myself as I don't live too far away.

What local places can you recommend for purchasing a Betta from as I'm now on the look out for my first one.

i don't think there Agassizii, they look nothing like my chap :blink:


Amy's look more like squiggles where the Agassizii has spots :unsure:
Corydoras leucomela?
I remembered seeing them somewhere and I would LOVE to buy a shoal. Can't get them anywhere local and online they are $24.99 :crazy:

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