Can anyone share their experience with Pea Puffer?

Having a snail only tank is a great way to feed them. After you have a decent sized snail population, you can start feeding them live snails.

my grow out tank for baby guppies is full of baby snails and snail eggs, i guess i'll move the mother snail to the tank where the pea puffer will be then :)
I've had the same experience as @eatyourpeas thus far. They've turned their nose up at everything which isn't alive. Mine have just discovered that snails are edible. I hatch baby brine shrimp for them, daily and toss in snails when I can't see any in there. I've tried flake, pellet, gel and dried food, all were ignored

thank you :)
you have to meet my betta then, he is the pickiest eater of all my fishes.

he only want to eat bloodworm and that's all.
Ah yes, that’s why I never feed mine blood worms. If you feed them it once, they won’t want anything else. (Although they will eat other food, or they will starve)

I feed mine Omega One Betta Buffet Pellets and Fluval Bug Bites. (5 OO Pellets and 2 BB’s a day)
Ah yes, that’s why I never feed mine blood worms. If you feed them it once, they won’t want anything else. (Although they will eat other food, or they will starve)

I feed mine Omega One Betta Buffet Pellets and Fluval Bug Bites. (5 OO Pellets and 2 BB’s a day)

will look up those food and try it for my betta.

thank you :)
The Pea Puffers are here!

i got 3 of them and then i put my mother snails in and hope they will lay eggs so the puffer fish can eat them.

i gave them bloodworms and they went crazy over it!

they look super cute :)

only can take closer pic of one of them lol


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These fish are rare as rocking horse s**t here in Australia and when you do find them at the LFS they're dear as poison ($300+). I found a breeder here that sells them for about $225 per fish so I'm thinking about buying a few of them and breeding for profit. Cute little fish!
These fish are rare as rocking horse s**t here in Australia and when you do find them at the LFS they're dear as poison ($300+). I found a breeder here that sells them for about $225 per fish so I'm thinking about buying a few of them and breeding for profit. Cute little fish!

didn’t know they are that expensive in Australia because i bought three of them for only 100.000 Rupiah. Three of them include delivery fee because i’m still not leaving my house due to Covid.
didn’t know they are that expensive in Australia because i bought three of them for only 100.000 Rupiah. Three of them include delivery fee because i’m still not leaving my house due to Covid.
From what I've read they are illegal to import into Australia but not illegal to keep once they're here and there are very few breeders.
That's a really nice setup. Are those plants easy to keep?

Thank you.

The Anubias are the one harder to keep because they are very prone to Algae, once the leaf are covered the plant will grow so slow or even dying, but i usually prevent that by trimming the leaf that have algae on it or rubbing them with my hand to remove algae.
all the stemp plants like Cabomba, Glossostigma, Hydrilla and Lindernia Rotundifolia are easier to keep, i just gave them root tabs and once the roots are growing the plants will be very easy to keep, just needs more trimming since they are fast growers.
The plants on the rocks are new so i don't really know about them but so far they are pretty easy to keep :)

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