Can Anyone Sex My Green Terror?

Yes everybody knows that, that was my point, you are just being awkward.
Yes everybody knows that, that was my point, you are just being awkward.

No I'm not because Gold Saums get bigger than Green Terrors and need bigger tanks.
Therefore I am informing the OP for a very good reason.
But true Green Terrors are non existent unless you get them from Jeff Rapps, so everybody knows that the common Green Terror, aka the Gold or Silver Saum (orange or white if you like) gets to between 8-10".

its extremely rare for a Gold Saum to hit 12", it maybe possible for wild fish, or fish from ponds, but unlikely in a tank.
Aequidens is the old name they changed to Andinoacara. bit like Vieja/Parathraps etc.
Thank you Severum. I was confused as I got to looking at the differcence gold saums/white saums and blah, and they were all listed as aequidans

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