Can Anyone Id This Fish Please?

well it looks a lot like my female jack dempsey<well my sisters now>

Ya... we're thinking this is pretty much what it is, but if the black "stress bars" for a lack of better discription, dont go away, it may be some strange hybrid

But it was my first thought that its a female JD with stress bars

Ox :good:
The fish is definitely not an acara or GT, lol

my first guess before reading anything at all was Jack Dempsey/Convict hybrid, but as said it could well just be a very stressed out Jack Dempsey
If its only been 24 hours since you added the fish then it may just need time to settle in

we got her on saturday, and she's looked the same all this time... :unsure:

Ox, having studied the first picture I can see the female's irridescent scales extend further back than her head and are quite prominent. I don't know if thats just beacuse its a great photo, buts with ours, the irridescent scales are only on her head (and her fins), she does have a faint glimmer on her scales toward the underside of her body, but they aren't very obvious and not very colourful. Of all the pics we've seen of jds, her head looks like a jd, but her body looks very dull. Are the colourful scales a property of the species or do they tend to vary from fish to fish?

I'll keep looking at more pics!
Well not that Im an expert, but I would say all JD's patterning is individual to each fish. It depends on the genes and whether those genes tell certain scales to brighten up or stay dull. She may just be a very dull colored JD and the stress that causes the bars, will also wash out the color from most of her body. I have seen my JD turn completely black before (during the move when I moved to my new townhouse) and when he was younger, he was scared enough to turn almost completely light brown. In both of these instances, his purple/green/blue color spots almost dissappeared, or atleast certainly enough to make them hard to see with a camera and the human eye from a distance.

Ox :good:
I dont see where people are getting hybrid from, JD's markings vary greatly from fish to fish(I actually own one thats part gold)it looks like a regular female JD to me. Plus JD/Con mixes are also more of a convict shape.
its definatly a stressed out female JD give the fish some time to settle into the pecking order of the tank.

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