Can Anyone Id This Algae Eater I Bought?


Fish Herder
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York, USA
i got him about a week or so ago and he has now recently started turning aggressive towards my other fish. i know i have him in a 10 gal and that isn't good. i plan on transfering him into a 20 gal during the summer.

he looks like this: (sorry it isn't the actual pic of him my camera batteries are dead and charging)

it says chinese algae eater but he seems to aggressive from what i was told about them.

he is a lot smaller than these specimens. and he only chses away the swordtails in my tank and it is only when he is eating or trying to for that matter. the swordtails do nothing but swim by him and he goes berserk.

for now, so he doesn't cause damage to my swordtails i am keeping him in a breeding trap. will he be ok there and is this aggression something that i need to worry about. i bought him for the sole purpose of eating algae nnot my other fish. i am going to see if my lfs will let me exchange him for an otto cat since i was told these grow smaller and actually do a better job of eating algae.

edit: he would only be in the trap temporarily until i can exchange him!
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri....lovely looking fish but little buggers!!! thay are sold v.small and are easy to care for and are very useful but as they grow so does there anger level!!

Chinese, indian, siamese..they are sold under all these names usually just algae eater!

it shouldnt grow to more than about 15cm usually but can get bigger.

Mine are ok at the moment and are about 5-6 cm each and only really toy with my tigers, like i said they can help out a lot but if yours has already killed i think an otto is a good choice, giant otto reaches about 2" which is ok and they are a little more mellow!


Chinese, indian, siamese..they are sold under all these names usually just algae eater!
CAE's (Chinese) and SAE's (Siamese) are entirely different fish though.

And CAE's can reach up to more like 30cm - if that's what they are. Without a photo of your own, it's almost impossible to say for sure.
Chinese, indian, siamese..they are sold under all these names usually just algae eater!
CAE's (Chinese) and SAE's (Siamese) are entirely different fish though.

And CAE's can reach up to more like 30cm - if that's what they are. Without a photo of your own, it's almost impossible to say for sure.

ive bought fish under both, maybe ive been miss informed!! could the only main difference be the size?

Ive definately got indians though.

The aggresive issue is the same with them all though isnt it, i mean as they get bigger they get more aggresive, through experience they are just as bad as eachother!

Thanks for the heads up bloozoo2 :X
hi nevergone815
what you have then is a cae,i know because ive got one,i got mine because i asked my lfs for a loach that eats algae and he sold me a sucking loach,which he does a good job at the moment but mine just in the last 2 weeks has been chasing my fish around lucky for me my lfs said he will swap my cae for a different loach,
:nod: .
i bought him for the sole purpose of eating algae nnot my other fish. --- he probably would not eat your other fish...yet.

Maybe you can exchange him for a BN: these guys actually eat algae and don't bother anyone else.
well, for starters, common names mean very little when it comes to identifying fish, but conventionally the Chinese and Siamese algae eaters are different species with very different habits. please reference the section ( 4 ) of

however, CAEs are frequently labeled as SAEs by shopkeepers who either ( a ) don't know how to correctly identify a SAE or ( b ) are trying to trick people who have read CAEs=bad, SAEs=good but don't know how to tell the difference.

true SAEs are generally regarded as pleasant fish that make excellent algae eaters. however, they are difficult to find and often incorrectly identified. they also grow to ~5" and are therefore inappropriate for smaller tanks. for these reasons, an oto would be much better suited to a 10g aquarium.
what exactly is a BN?

i don't know what this is but i did get an oto cat. do otos have to be in groups of 3+ or can they be ok by themselves?

i have decided to give the CAE to a friend for her tank. :D
BN=Bristlenose pleco :D And I love mine. They only get to 4-5" and do good alone.

I hear otos need to be in a groups of at least 3 to 5, but I've never had one. Why give the CAE to your friend? To be honest, I wouldn't want one. :/
chinese AEs are very aggressive.ive had one kill a barb before.(he didnt last long)
Chinese Agleas eaters can be VERY aggressive once they mature. Apparently they shouldn't even be kept with other fish. They also grow quite big, too big for a even a 20 gallon. And when fish stores sell them they are usually quite small so its normal for him to be smaller then the fish in the pics.
I would just give him back or get store credit for him, you don't really have any more room in either of your 10 gallon tanks for more fish, they are overstocked as it is. Ottos are VERY sensitive to water quality so wouldn't last long in your tanks (sorry for being blunt!). They are however very good algea eaters, and in the future when (I see your getting a 20 gallon and 55 gallon, thats great! Your fish will appreciate the rom)you cut down on the amount of fish then they would be a great addition to your tank!
My teacher has one and it is fine in her community tank and it never attacks the other fish. It is a 75 gallon tank and has plenty of room to hang out on the bottom.
why did you create two threads ????

well i put one in the catfish (pleco) section and my comp went a little haywire and put one in here for some reason after the mod moved it to this section or something i dunno. i only typed up one and somehow it wound up in multiple spots

sorry... if a mod could delete and duplicates i would appreciate it

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