Can Anyone Id These T.cichlids For Me


New Member
Jan 25, 2009
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Cant remember their name please help




Lily x
Look like a possible hybrid to me?

The shape suggests it is part Jack Dempsey?
They arn't convicts, atleast not pure cons. 1st pic does have body shape of JD but I'm not convinced. At a guess I would say it looks like a juvenile red terror, but cannot be sure on this.

Any chance of some pictures in a better light?
I was wondering if they might be festae too, but came to the conclusion they were too dark, although as you say it could just be the light
They are definately not convicts, used to keep them years ago. Im going to have to go back to the shop i think!
The terrors ring a bell.... google....
Thanks Shroob!

They are definately Red Terrors, the change of enviroment has made them look slightly different but the pic i can see on google is what they looked like in the shop so im pretty sure thats what they are.
Now i can research them a little more, thanks :good:
Word of warning they get big and aggressive. Females look stunning, one of best NW cichlid for colours.

What size tank/tank mates have they got?

EDIT: Nelly may also be right. Mayans are often missold as Red terros (easy to confuse and red terrors fetch a higher price).
At the moment they are in a 300 L tank, i am fully aware its far too small. We are getting a bigger one but for now they are in there with the rest of my fish population. I dont have very many fish so they have their own cave which they moved into right away. They are the same size as my Oscar, and the guy in the shop (usually good but ive never seen him before) said as long as i get the tank we talked about (massive gorgeous one with bowed front) then they would live together ok.

After reading through this forum on my lovely fish (we had nicknamed named them the veloceraptors think i was on the money there) i am now thinking maybe not. But we'll see i know not all fish are the same and the terrors and oscar havent even looked at each other, for now.... I also have a red tail shark which i love so if he starts getting bullied i may have to get the new tank sooner and keep 2 tanks.

Lily x

Iam going to chuck another one into the ball park.......MAYAN<Cichlasoma urophthalmus>


Hmmmmmmmmmmmm :shout: they look like these toooooo!
If you post a picture of the tail and shoulder we should be able to correctly ID the fish, however you can have a go yourself. The way to tell the difference can be done by 2 ways. The first is the tail spot, red terros (festae's) will have a 'half spot' and start higher up the caudul peduncle than the Mayans. The mayan's spot will be fully circular and in the centre of the base of the tail and will extend down. The second way is by the shoulder markings. On a red terror the stripes will form a 'Y' shape, on a mayan they wont.

Mayans also have a smaller adult size compared to red terrors, however they are both big, chunky aggressive fish.

Festae: Note the 'Y' shoulder and smaller tail spot.

Mayan: No 'Y' shoulder stripes and a larger tail spot

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm :shout: they look like these toooooo!
i woudl say they look more like the mayan if you look at the shape of the face its very similar to the mayans i dont know what they are but i would say they are leaning more to the mayan direction

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