Can anyone help?


New Member
Jun 28, 2017
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Hi everyone, I'm not new to fishkeeping but I'm new to Fish Forums. I'm putting this post here because with being new I wasn't sure where I should post it. so of the Admin or Moderators would like to move it then please do, my apologies if that's the case. Here goes....

I've never seen this before but slowly but surely I'm losing my fish one by one. It never affects more than one fish at a time and there's no typical time frame or schedule from symptoms to death.

It all started about 2 to 3 months ago. My angel fish started to swim erratically as if it was struggling to swim. There was no sign of disease at all, in fact it looked perfect. It just lay at the bottom of the tank for three weeks breathing rapidly before it eventually died probably of starvation as it was by then very thin. I treated it with myxazin for the recommended dose and recommended time and then a few days later treated it with gill and body fluke treatment after removing the previous treatment from the water. Obviously neither worked.

Since then my fish are dying one by one. These fish don't have the same symptoms as the angel. These are spinning like crazy, can't swim straight at all, and then just die. It's driving me to my wits end.

My tank is 150ltrs, with a Fluval 406 external filter. An air pump with 2 air stones for decoration as the outlet from the filter is breaking the water surface. In the filter it has the usual sponges. Biomax in two of the media trays, two bags of netted carbon, two buffer wool pads and one bag of ammonia remover.

I do a 25% water change once a week, replace carbon every three weeks, buffer pads every ten days, and ammonia remover once a month to 6 weeks as well as cleaning the sponges in the removed water from tank when doing a water change.

I've tested my water with an API TEST KIT and the readings are as follows...

Nitrate 0
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
PH about 7.5
O2 5mg/l

I've uploaded a short video of the fish behaviour here....

I have a large silver dollar, a large clown fish, a large plec, one neon, five scissor tails and a couple of others.

I've lost a dwarf gourami, three zebra danios, barbs, neons to name but a few. But never more than one at a time with none of the others showing these symptoms.

Can anyone please help?

Thanks in advance

Oh wow, that video really kinda broke my heart.
How sad. You must be feeling terrible watching this one at a time and no way to help.
I'm sorry for your situation.
But hobby5 seems right on with that amazing article!
Very interesting (and scary).
I see that at the end of the article you can leave a comment, if this were me I think I'd tell him a little about the situation and see if he responds. He may have some great advice.
Good luck and please keep us posted.
Ok thanks for your help I'll look into what you have said... thanks again.

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