Thanks again, all!
And the Sailfin says thanks for the compliments!
My sister had him for over a year, I have had him about a month or so now. As I said earlier, he is starting to come out of his shell over this last few days and spending loads of time out in the open. He was on the side of the tank last night and I managed to measure him. From nose to just behind his dorsal fin he is 5cm, smaller than I thought!
I have recently bought four Otos to help with an algae breakout. The algae only covers areas of the glass, and is soft and easy to clean with a magnet, but I fancied letting the fish do the work (since the magnet freaks my male Ram out to the point he attacks it!

) The plec had previously shown no interest, since the addition of the Otos, however, he is now muscling in
He is in a 220 litre at the moment, but since my house is on the market I won't be getting the 540 litre until we have settled in the new home. This will be hopefully within the year, so he should be ok for now
My sister is looking for homes for three more plecs if anyone is interested. She has a baby and a toddler, and is also moving home, so is breaking down her tank for a while until she is more settled and has more time on her hands. She is not asking anything for them, but that they go to a good home and are collected - she lives in Cambridge. She has an albino, a male Bristlenose, and another I am not sure of (about 3" in length) I can get pics if anyone is interested