Can Any Scientists Help This Person Out?


get on a board and do yo thang...!
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 9, 2009
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South Leicestershire U.K
this topic is for someone who is requesting scientific proof that a fully grown torpedo barb cant live happily in a 3 ft tank. to me and others its common sense ;) but it just wont do.....
heres a link to the topic and request -
please can someone find that scientific proof the op needs to be satisfied :unsure:
Hahahaha is that thread still going!!!

That'll give me something to read while the wifes watching Gok Wan tonight!
Hahahaha is that thread still going!!!

That'll give me something to read while the wifes watching Gok Wan tonight!

ahh sweet bliss! good to know im not the only bloke whos missus has a love for gok!! as for the scientific proof that imbicile is after , even if i did have it i wouldnt go out of my way to try and help somebody who is basicly a total ( word deemed inapropriate for a family forum :lol: )
That'll give me something to read while the wifes watching Gok Wan tonight!

I think you need to put your foot down there.....unacceptable viewing!

would type more, but my wife is calling me for Holby City.....must dash
That'll give me something to read while the wifes watching Gok Wan tonight!

I think you need to put your foot down there.....unacceptable viewing!

would type more, but my wife is calling me for Holby City.....must dash

:lol::lol::lol::lol: maybe just a weee hint of sarcasm detected!!

this is why i have sky+ . im not really much of a tv watcher tbh so i pretty much let the missus watch what she likes as there are very few programs i really like and these i record. ( usually top gear or two and a half men ) i much prefer browsing the web . unless of course footy is on then the tv is mine !!!! no arguments no negotiations its just mine end of!!!! ( unless i go to the pub and watch it) this seems to work pretty well
just read that thread.....I'm surprised you can be bothered replying to it over the course of 4 months! Good effort.
just read that thread.....I'm surprised you can be bothered replying to it over the course of 4 months! Good effort.
it has given me a laugh when i read the op's comments and critisisms etc. i just stumbled on it again tonight and couldnt believe that he still didnt get it and is still waffling on about scientific evidence and that common sense has nothing to do with it :lol:

anyway come on there must be a real scientist out there.... maybe someone like N.monks can guide the op :unsure:
lol @ Zoddy! :lol: :lol:

right must pull my veiwing away from fat ladies getting naked...

To the OP of the other thread, Matt is right, its all about common sence. I'm not sure you'll get scientific evidence.
lol @ Zoddy! :lol: :lol:

right must pull my veiwing away from fat ladies getting naked...

To the OP of the other thread, Matt is right, its all about common sence. I'm not sure you'll get scientific evidence.
but Ian, do you have scientific evidence that he wont get a scientific explanation why the tank is too small......?

and please dont mention common sense as it has nothing to do with that!!!!!
Having read that thread, i've come to the conclusion you are a VERY patient man, mr mattlee!

Tip of the cap.
this topic is for someone who is requesting scientific proof that a fully grown torpedo barb cant live happily in a 3 ft tank. to me and others its common sense ;) but it just wont do.....
heres a link to the topic and request -
please can someone find that scientific proof the op needs to be satisfied :unsure:

What a joker! :rofl:
I hope the thread continues for many years to come! :yahoo:
I have not read the thread. But here is my thought. I doubt any "scientist" will have ever done research on the "happiness" of a fish. You just can't prove happiness of a fish. So then you are left with other means of illustrating why a fish should be kept one way over another. I think that leaves you in the realm of philosophy and ethics. Scientist have traditionally avoided those areas in favor of what is perceived as objective science (and that is a whole can of worms by itself these days). So if some guy wants scientific proof, that will be hard to deliver upon. Your approach is "common sense" but really it is an ethic about how you should and shouldn't treat a fish based on human measures of right and wrong... not on what a fish "thinks" because we can't know what a fish thinks at least not yet. So my vote is that you will never find "objective science" that will prove to this guy how you should keep this fish.

And with that, I think I'll go visit with my fish.... they love me after all. :lol:
I'm not sure where he gets his information from about them being good in a 180L gallon aquarium, but it was probably the internet. He probably just searched the internet until he found a page saying that it could be done.

3 foot (some people stop here, but the conflicting information suggests that further research is needed)

They tend to be peaceful but some have been known to be slightly aggressive around food, especially if kept in less space than they require.

I'm guessing that could be a factor too eh?

The point is, all you have to do is make an educated guess based on all of the information you can gather, no scientific answer needed.
could some1 also check if u can keep a horse on a 1mx1m patch of grass. tnx

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