Can Agels Go In A Community Tank With..


it's a shame stupidity isn't painfull
Jan 9, 2006
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will i be able to put angel fish in my tank with the fish listed in my sig
Personally, i wouldnt add it. I think you have enough in your tank already. Dependant on an angel fishes size it would eat neons too... :no:
i would get the tank sorted out before you add more fish. the loaches and plec will be to big for the tank. all the shoaling fish need to be in groups of more than 5. the betta will be tempted to nip at the angel along with the barbs. the tetras will possibly harras the betta. personaly i see far to many probs with the tank and the angel will just add to it.
as for the angels no!
i rearly dont like to nagg :/ ....but your tank is in a terribal state as in what fish you have in there first off id say get the betta out doubt the rtbs will be harrasing every thing in the tank along with this for the clown loaches i dont think these are too much of a problem atm as they are slow growers and im guessing there only small atm? right? :blink:
the betta mind his own buisness and stays well out the way of my other fish i think he is pretty happy the rtbs is still young and hangs around with my plec and clown loaches hes very frienldy the clown loaches have a new home to go to in a couple of months
still rtbs need there own space in a tank with a little cave or hideing place which he can call his own.also tiger barbs, 'other tetras', maybe neons, need to be in bigger groups as they are schooling fish.and ive got to say im very surprized if your betta is ok, i know if i was a betta i wudnt want 3 nippy tiger barbs and loads of little teteras around me harrasing me.
i think you should get the betta out of there asap as its for its own good.all he wants is a bowl or tank of a minimum of 2 gals to live in and possibly a heater and he will be fine and happy.
yes get rid of the betta rtbs love fighting with them at lest with mine and everything everybody else said is true
will a betta go in a fry tank

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