Calvus Growth Rate


Fish Addict
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
"Why Utah?!"
So everyone says slow growing, but nothing more specific. Mine were a quarter of an inch when I bought them. I’ve had them for a year now, maybe a couple of months longer than that. They’re an inch to an inch and a half. Is that normal or TOO slow for calvus?
Calvus are well known for sloww growth. Keep the water in the tank very well changed and feed as much good food as the fish can eat every day.
sounds about normal - what temp is the tank water? a higher temperature will lead to increase metabolism a liitle which help the growth rate, but mine is 2" and has not grow much at all in the past year..
It's at 65 right now. It's not that I want them to get big fast, otherwise I wouldn't have caluvs, I just don't want them to be runtish.

Weird thing - I got a sample pack of Hikari tropical Micro Wafers sent to me from Hikari. The calvus love those more than anything else. They don't even go after blackworms like they devour the wafers. I tried to give them the Cichlid Complete wafers and they hate them.

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