Oh I like both of those. I like the black with the ribbon in color. Those were much nicer then an angel. Skulls and angels...so common I have a fish on my left foot and a little plant on the other. Haha I was always meant to keep fish I think since I got that 7 years ago.
I changed the colours to more appropriate colours to what i want... i really like this but its not exactly what i want... this is just a different colour scheme of someone elses tattoo and i dont want someone elses tattoo. But this is very much the style i want. Whether butterfly or not, this is what i wanted when i said angel but in black outline... but now i just dont know but would want to personalise it more.
Though now my attempt at changing colours in Paint looks like an attempt made by an alcoholic tapdancing spider been staring at my laptop for so long my eyes have gone bloodshot and my fingers are cramping... must get a computer mouse!