Caffeine + Fish = Dead?

I tried suggesting an airstone to help put a little oxygen in the tank and she said she didn't have a pump and I don't think she even knows what it is. Also, I don't have an extra one for her, or else I would gladly give it to her :/

I think she may be getting a filter as well, but I'm not sure. She DOES clean the tank every 4 days, though. (puts all the fish in one bowl, cleans the empty one, puts all the fish in clean bowl, cleans the 2nd empty one, returns the fish).
I don't know... I mean, for all I know you could be murderers and all you need is the shcool name.

isnt it s shame that society has dropped to a level where people need to be this cautious.. not having a go, its just a sad observation of life in the 21st century..

She's a chemist and she says sometimes she has to inject animals with stuff so we know it's safe for humans, but they always know what'll kill them, and don't give them that much. But my friend doesn't know how much will kill them. :/

me too... well not really but do have an honours degree in chemistry, so i understand the need for research.
adding cola will kill the fish undoubtedly, he acid generated from it will send it into pH shock, n o mention the risk of CO2 poisoning

coffee will be full of tannins, and other chems, which will greatly affect water quality and effect the fish befoer the caffiene does anything

but pure caffiene should, as reported in othe research have little or no effect - it may make a schole of fish swim closer together...
This science fair can;t get past regionals.

By the USA science fair laws, the animals used in testing must be invertibre or insect, and over 50% must live during the testing.

Hope she doesn;t have big dreams for it -_-
It's not for a national science fair thing-- it's just for our grade. Every 8th grader in the school has to do a science fair project. It's not entered anywhere...
My mom said it's okay. She's a chemist and she says sometimes she has to inject animals with stuff so we know it's safe for humans, but they always know what'll kill them, and don't give them that much. But my friend doesn't know how much will kill them. :/

Not meaning to offend anyone, but no-scientist/researcher "knows" these things. This would lead us into the ugly depths of animal testing debates... which I really don't want to get into.

I will just remind you of the case in England, when 5 (or was it 6?) humans DIED after animal tests said that the medicine was harmless...

On a side note, not getting into any of the internet safety debates; maybe you could "anonymously" slip a paper under the teachers door with the url of this thread? No names are mentioned I believe, so you would be anonymous...

I think my friend would know it's me, though. 'Cause I'm probably the only one there that cares about the fish. :(
I think my friend would know it's me, though. 'Cause I'm probably the only one there that cares about the fish. :(

ok simple question

what do you care more about

the fish who may be harmed by your 'friend'
your 'friend' who may be harming the fish
or what the heck is going on in 'Lost'

sorry you can pobably ignore the last option :)
I have a sneaky suspicion he will answer his friend. After all, whats the life of a living creature compared to the chance to hang around with a girl? (especially at that age...)


(p.s. part of that was sarcastic...)
there is no reason that if you talk to the teacher or some administrator about it that they cannot withold your name, or even make it seem that they are the ones who had the concerns. Also, if presented in a well informed manner, a teacher is likely to take what you have to say into consideration.

That said, highschool is not an easy time of life and I for one would not blame you for choosing your friend over fish if this girl is really one of your friends. No matter what you do or say there will always be people who aren't going to be concerned about the welfare of fish and it is up to you to decide if you think these fish are more important than your friendship. No one on this forum can help you make that choice.
Ok, first of all, I am a :shout: GIRL! :lol:
Now, I asked her how her fish were doing after she added the caffeine and she said all of her fish died ( :( ) and that she wouldn't get anymore fish ( :) ). So I guess she learned the hard way... but I really don't think she'll do that again, especially after her fish died before she added the caffeine. If she does do this again though, then I will tell a teacher. So thanks for replying and answering my question even though I didn't really do much anyway...

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