C. Napoensis Eggs!

The difference with live food is that you can keep a suppy in the tank. So they can graze on the live worms when they want and not just when you feed them. If they get a snack attack and there is no other food, would they not be more liable to snack on eggs if they are egg eaters?

Anyway that was my point. B-)
Oh, you had a point? :p

Well, the eggs had hatched this morning and I saw one wiggler. Oh joy, oh joy.

When lunch time came I saw 2 fry but they weren't moving,,, <sigh>

Water specs are 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, 0 Nitrate. Ph ~7.6

Well, at least I've got them to hatch again. Woot!

To be continued....
And razzberry returned in duplicate!
:p :p

Have you tried using water from the parent tank? Maybe they are sensitive. Some of mine hatch readily and live. Some have fry running around the parent tank. But some seem to be more sensitive and getting them to adults is more work. I have some I am working on.

Try rain water! heehee Or RO.

I got some black sand from my friendly sole ownership lfs today. A lady came in with a filter that was giving her trouble that she got somepalce else. They had apparently sold her that filter. a ten gallon tank, a common Goldie and a Common Plec and RO water! She also wanted another fish for the tank. omts here we come! The lfs where we were is an African Cichlid store!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I told her the best she could do there was upgrade her tank and to come back when then. Then gave her a little education on the nitrogen cycle and why one of her goldies (she had 2) died when the filter stopped working because the water was too low.

Yes, that thought came into my head as well. After I'm 100% sure that all of the fry have passed on, I'm going to strip down the fry tank and re-fill it with water from the Cory parent tank. Hmm, on second thought, maybe I'll just start it from scratch. That's what the very first batch lived in, a 2 week old NEWLY started tank. And they survived.

Hey Frank, do you always start with a fresh tank for your fry? (Seems like I'm talking to myself).
Not to speak for Frank, but normally he has said that each person develops a style (protocol) that works for them. I think also that is what we do. We vacum up the crumbs dropped by others experiences and weave them into our own experiences and methods and little by little develop methods that work for us.
Not to speak for Frank, but normally he has said that each person develops a style (protocol) that works for them. I think also that is what we do. We vacum up the crumbs dropped by others experiences and weave them into our own experiences and methods and little by little develop methods that work for us.

Ya, that's been my own advise to people too. But..

Looks like none survived. On Friday a.m. I saw 2 bodies but they were gone when I got back home Sunday, snails probably. Tomorrow I'm going to do 100% water change, scrub the glass, clean out the sponge filter 'chimneys', bleach the plants for hair algae then pray for the next batch.

At least I got the eggs to hatch which is the furthest I've been since last Feb.

Oh for pete sake. They pick the darnedest time to breed.

I saw them at it again this morning, got tied up on the phone for a couple of hours, and when I looked again they were finished and all I could find was 1 egg, which I moved to the nursery tank....

I should have just moved them to the fry tank immediately except that it looked like a community effort and I wasn't even sure which female was the one they males were after.

Next time....

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