bye bye little last neon


Fish Herder
Aug 13, 2003
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oh dear, just had to dig out the clove oil AGAIN this week & euthanase our last surviving neon :-( we originally had 14, 3 years ago, but gradually they all succumbed to ntd, despite treatment. i felt so guilty having this little guy by himself(although he did hang out with the cardinals) but we just couldnt bear to watch more little fish succumb to a horrible disease so didnt get him a friend of his own kind. i noticed this one was swimming a bit oddly & it was much worse today & he wasnt eating. i didnt want to leave him struggling & wait till the cannibals (tankmates) started picking on him.
:-( sorry.

I just lost one of my original diamond head neons too. It's sad and depressing.

I'm glad that God hates death and will destroy it! :ninja: in the end. :flex:

:rip: little fish who gave us pleasures :fish:
:rip: little neon I too only have like 4 left.
Poor little neons! I feel privelidged to still have all six of my originals - touch wood!
R.I.P. Little will all be missed but remembered.
I just euthanised another diamond head from a new batch in quarantine. It had begun to lose swim control and was floating around the surface with its little nose up. :( :byebye:
For such a popular fish neons aren't very hardy. Possibly because of how they are bred by the MILLIONS in conditions that they keep feeder goldfish for those pretty little neons. I'm just glad I've only lost one of the 12 I got a few weeks ago.
I lost the last glowlight a few weeks back to NTD... Didn't have the heart to do anything about him, or the facilities. Its awful isn't it, specially if you're not sure what it is and no meds do anything about it.
I bought 12 from a new batch at the lfs. Two have died already (two weeks?). One I found suddenly dead on the bottom without warning when I came in in the morning. Then this one. I won't get any more from this batch and I may keep from adding them to my originals in the main tank. My first batch last winter had been pretty hardy until last week. Maybe the summer has caused some fluctuations in water temps? :dunno:

I will mention it to the lfs. Some of the folk at the lfs had never heard of ntd. We will educate them. :) I think they will be more aware of who they buy from if they know.

It's like puppy mills. :-(

I'm sorry about your glowlight. Mine have been ok. I waited too long to put the diamond head last week down. It struggled for a week or two. Actually a hardy little fellow for a guy with a terminal desease.
:eek: Oh dear, sweet Jesus! another one down -_- :unsure: :( I found one in the back corner floating already gone for a day or two. I just changed the water Friday. I'm sure he wasn't there. Could he be one I got and added Friday?

I did a bad thing. Since they were from the same shipment, I added them to the first group already in quarantine for a week. :*)

This is very :sick:
im so sorry to hear about your fish everyone!!! but you know even when you do everything right sometimes the poor things still die. we used to have a large group of zebra & leopard danios ( supposedly hardy fish) we loved them but they all died one by one some from dropsy & some there was no obvious signs.....? some sort of virus. i read an article in a good uk fishkeeping magazine pfk from the editor a lady very experienced in keeping fish, she had been having the same problems with danios that we had. sadly i think a lot of fish when they get popular end up being inbred which causes all sorts of genetic weaknesses. we would love to get more danios ( & neons ) but just dont want to watch these little creatures suffer & die. :(
I know how you feel about the Danios. I started with 10 about 3 months ago and now only have 7. But the 3 that died, they died kinda quick, like 4 days in. The 7 I have now have been there for the rest of that time (about 3 months). I guess they settled in :dunno:

Sorry to anyone who lost fish. It always makes me paranoid about the water and I have to go test it and do a water change. -_-

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