burnt plastic


Fish Crazy
Aug 23, 2004
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well i went shoping today so i thorght i would tell u all what i got since im a spoilt brat :D and got to use mums money.

new 5gl tank for my pretty vt blu boy..i did not like his little bowl cause he allways looked strange in it :)
and i found white gravel and his blue is going to look stunning agenst it. im such a proud fish mum..
do u think he will get lonely in suck a big tank for such a little thing.

im going to put lots of plants in it (fake ones i suck at keeping real ones)

any way just felt like telling you all

plus does any one have any ideas for a name for my betta hes very dark blue with a little bit of purpal on his fins but not much..iv taken to calling him fatty but i get told off by my mum who says its not nice to call the fish the cats name. it was origanaly her nick name but i kept calling her it in public and got told off :)

we got other stuf to but stress coat shoping is a bit boring ..and we got goldfish woopy
When you buy fake plants, try to buy the silk ones. Many times the plastic ones can do damage to your betta's fins. -_-

I doubt he will get lonely, but if you have a heater for your 5g, you could add a few otto's or dwarf corys. You could also look into the possibility of adding a divider, and adding another betta.

All my Bettas are named after baseball players or famous gangsters. :*)

Congrats on your new tank, candy! :D
he wont get lonely... mine gets lonely when IM not around... then again hes a little suck... and he shouldnt get lonely cuz mines in a 5.5gal and hates all other bettas... LOL i tried having fishy abd blizzard together (tanks next door) and fishy was slammin into the tank
ya i only have silk plants the plastic ones look a bit strange to me..right now my blue boy is sitting on one and watching the fish in my 20 gal (right next to him)
maybe i should call him blue boy?
i will see how he goes with no friends..if i feel the need i will get a little otto or 2 or ect how ever many..do they like being in groups.

he loos so pretty on the white gravel i dont belive i found some iv been looking for ages and then just one day i walk past all the bags or the stuf and i was like i want :) i allways get the i wants mum hates me for it
yeah all my plants are silk too.. but i'd like to look into having real plants in my community tank.. what fun.. underwater guardening.

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