Burma Upside Down Cat

Finatic, I'm with CF on this. Its a Mystus leucophasis. I have recently bought one myself. I've read they can grow upto 12" :crazy: I don't mean to put a downer on you but are those neons I see? mmmm should be a tasty snack for your catfish :p . Mine has eaten 5 zebra danios so far (in about 2 month) (My Mother in Law bought them for my tank, I kinda knew they wouldnt survive but they were good feeder fish :D
Hi Dave,

Your seeing mollies and swordtails. I've had him since March and so far hasn't eaten anyone. :thumbs: I keep him well fed. Hopefully all are safe ;) He's about 9 or 10 inches now. Big chicken. Scared of everything :lol: Thanks tho, I'll keep and eye on things. Need population downsized anyway. :lol:

Sorry Finatic,
I could a swore there was a neon in their, and I didn't realise he was 10" :eek: . Trick photography :D How big was he when you bought him? mines only about 3 - 4" now and scared of noone, except my leopard Plec whos about 6 -7".
They are great fish, and funny to watch them feed (on food not fish :lol: ).
Hi, I just looked at your PIX, VERY NICE !!! What size Tank is that ? And How many Fish, Total ? I don't think it's Over-Crowded. It looks like an Active Community, very nice !!! I'm NEW to this Site, & haven't quite figured out How to put my Pix up yet, but I'm workin' on it.
My Hubby got me my 1st Tank back in Jan., for my Birthday. Actually, his friend had to move & couldn't take his Fish, but I was Tickled Pink when he gave 'em to me just the same. We Cleaned it out real good, what a mess. But the Tank seemed almost Empty w/just his 3 fish.( 1 Oscar, 1 Scavenger & some other FISTY-Little Guy) Well, when we introduced 2 Female & 1 Male Fancy Guppies, the Fisty one kept battering one of the new females til she died. So, Hubby took him back to the store & got me 3 Goldish w/black dots looking fish to help calm things down.(I forgot what he said they were) The Next thing I knew, I had FRY !!! Only 2 though. I think the Fisty Guy ate the others before I ever knew they were born. WOW, it's CRAZY, But I LOVE it !!! Between them & my Cat & Dog, my sides ache every day from laughing !!! :D
Anyways, write me back if you want. Bye-Bye :)

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