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My names Russell.... ....and I'm a
Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
Milton Keynes - UK
we had a 'female' betta in one of our community tanks - pretty sure it is actually a male plakat, anyway...

we collected the last of our fish from my parents on sunday to find himshe looking a bit under the weather with a lump missing from tail and lower fin, and an area of damaged scales on its side. It was also clamping its fins together when it stopped swimming to cower in a corner...

well we moved it home and put it in a 3gal of its own but it hasnt eaten and the damaged scales are now raised and pine cose like...

I'm guessing the bullying can have brought on this..

any tips?

I've been doing small daily water changes and adding stress coat to try and heal the patch and fins but he is not showing any signs of improvement :(
I'm guessing that what's happening is a fungus is starting to grow around the damaged area, and/or the skin is starting to heal back up right there making the scales stick up.

Is that tank cycled? Is there a filter in there?
And do you have any plants, hidey caves, etc. in it for him?
What temp is it at?
cycled tank (well - mature filter)

its not fluffy (eg fungus) it looks like dropsy :(

Its a bare tank. with a small filter tunred down low.

Rough perameters...
Ammonia - 0
Nitrites - 0
Nitrates - 20
Ph 7.2

Temp 26ºC - about 75ºF
sounds like ani.is the white stuff on the mouth and /or tail? ani had fungusy white stuff all over her mouth and tail before she died, fungus doesnt have to be fuzzy it can be flat. dropsy is a bactiral infection that causes kidney failure most the times there is bloating ,often the fish looks redish and swollen ,lacks color,pine coned,usualy fungus is starting to grow. i rarely have mine live much after the fungus.
"redish and swollen ,lacks color,pine coned"


Just checked him and hes looking a bit more lively this evening - might try a couple of bloodworm - see if he'll eat...
For treating dropsy use anti internal bacteria meds(Interpet ones are good) and feed the betta cooked de-shelled peas to avoid constipation as constipation can often either cause dropsy or be caused be it.
If he does have dropsy, you should get him on some Maracyn Two right away, if you can. Give him some peas - but i'd hold off on giving him any other meaty foods, that will just add to the bloating problem - if that's the case. Does he have a bloated belly, or is it just swollen around the patch that was damaged? It could be swelling from a bacterial infection in the wound, too, which would also be taken care of by Maracyn Two.

Are his scales sticking all over, or just around the wound?
Is it possible for you to post a picture of him?
hard to tell as the damage is to his belly area - looking at him from the top its only one side at the moment...

we use Esha products - any idea on the dosing level for him?

I'll get a piccy in a sec (he's next to me :))
just dosed with under the normal ammount - 25 drops for 22gals
its a 3gal tank he's inand have dosed 2 drops.

Here are a few piccys :(

chunk missing from lower fin...

Swelling on his left hand side

I've tried to show the pine coneing but this was the best i could get (see blown up bit in the bottom right)
PS sorry about the algae covered items in the tank...
it was a food source for the amano shrimp that were in there

Trying to breed them got put on hold so we could look after this guy :)
Hey, I have some Maracyn 1 and 2 on hand if you want some...I'd also recommend colloidal silver. It may be humbug but my betta was completely pineconed, 6 weeks or so later he's a healthy happy little arrogant s.o.b. again. I did a little salt, M1 and M2 combined and silver and it seems to pull him thru. May be a complete fluke, but :dunno:

Lemme know if you want some maracyn, I can get it out first class or special delivery in the morning if you want.

Personally, I don't think he has dropsy.
However... the meds you are giving him do treat dropsy too - if that is the case... so you're safe either way. If it is dropsy, also, you have caught if in the very early stages so it's probably highly treatable at this point, too. It looks like that particular medication treats fungus and a whole bunch of other stuff so you should be covered for most of what it 'could be' to give that to him.

Is it possible for you to get some frozen peas today?
If so, put some of them into a small bowl with some water - cook them in the microwave (in dechlorinated water) for about 45 seconds. Take them out and squeeze them to remove the shell - then chop up the insides and give the bits of them to him. (after they've cooled of course). Don't feed him any regular food for the next 2 - 3 days. My guess is that will help.

Keep an eye on him - the combination of those 2 things (meds and peas) should take care of his issues.

EDIT **if you can get ahold of some maracyn 2, I'd get some - and see how it goes... if either the wound or his belly get bitter with the peas and no food, you might want to switch to that instead of the esha....
peas are on the way (we've not eaten yet but I'll cook a couple for him :))

P.S. it is a him isn't it?
SarahBravo said:
Hey, I have some Maracyn 1 and 2 on hand if you want some...I'd also recommend colloidal silver. It may be humbug but my betta was completely pineconed, 6 weeks or so later he's a healthy happy little arrogant s.o.b. again. I did a little salt, M1 and M2 combined and silver and it seems to pull him thru. May be a complete fluke, but :dunno:

Lemme know if you want some maracyn, I can get it out first class or special delivery in the morning if you want.

I'll let you know - thanks for the offer :nod:

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