Building A 4ft Stand On Wheels...?

Hi guys

druffy - Just to add to your questions. Yep, I see no problem with using box section/angle bar.

We use it at work and it's very strong. A few years back a welder made me a 2ft double stand with exactly the same materials...then I powdercoated it myself (matt black) :) If it were me and I was wanting a 4ft (think that's what your after) then I'd have six legs. Also, have you thought about maybe tapping the bottom of the legs out..inserting 2-3" of thick threaded bar..the bar will be welded to a circular plate that sits on the floor. This is a good idea for uneven surfaces and adjusting the height of the tank/also the weight is spread more evenly...whilst using these circular plates. Just a few thoughts :good:

Attilauk - Yep, thought of the rail/runner system to :)

Hmmm..this doesn't seem like it would be to difficult to do. The thought of runners showing puts me off though, I suppose you could split each runner in half..the showing half (bit that sticks out past alcove into bedroom floor) would sit in a peg/hole like design..which could be removed..leaving only the holes showing. It would then be a matter of fitting the legs with runner like inserts. All of this heavy duty/strong.

The thing that still puts me off movement/weight...just don't know what kind of force/stress is going on inside the tank..even when moving very slowely over an even surface.

ac700wildcat - "create depressions that the wheels would settle down into and then you wouldn't be able to move it anyways."

Nice one..never thought of this. The floor is wooden and even if the wheels were cylinder would only take the slightest depression and the tank is going nowhere. Thanks for the heads up, ac700wildcat :good:

Mikaila31 - "If it was a good idea, stands would come with wheels"

Lol..yeah I wondered this aswell...maybe I'm an inventor...hmmm maybe not, lol!

Thanks for all the advice's much appreciated :cool:

I don't know maybe I'm just getting carried away with this 'moveable' tank. I mean access to the tv is going to be rare...and there is things I may not know that could easily crack the tank under movement. After all this guys, I'll probably end up with six 'permanent' stumps as legs. :unsure:

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