Fish Herder
I have been looking for a shoal of fish to add to my tank. Seen these today and thought they would look nice, I think. I would get 6-8 of them. I have a 75 gal. tank.
I have:
1 opaline gourmai
1 pictus catfish
3 red-tail tinfoil barbs
8 danios
My gourami is a bit territorial. Does not mind the danios or cat at all. He did chase the tinfoils, or tried to, for a day and all was fine. Wondering if I can add these without trouble. I think the Buenos are fast and ravenous like the rest of my fish, but wanted to know what your experience is. Thanks !
I have:
1 opaline gourmai
1 pictus catfish
3 red-tail tinfoil barbs
8 danios
My gourami is a bit territorial. Does not mind the danios or cat at all. He did chase the tinfoils, or tried to, for a day and all was fine. Wondering if I can add these without trouble. I think the Buenos are fast and ravenous like the rest of my fish, but wanted to know what your experience is. Thanks !