Buenos Aires Tetra


Fish Herder
Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I have been looking for a shoal of fish to add to my tank. Seen these today and thought they would look nice, I think. I would get 6-8 of them. I have a 75 gal. tank.

I have:
1 opaline gourmai
1 pictus catfish
3 red-tail tinfoil barbs
8 danios

My gourami is a bit territorial. Does not mind the danios or cat at all. He did chase the tinfoils, or tried to, for a day and all was fine. Wondering if I can add these without trouble. I think the Buenos are fast and ravenous like the rest of my fish, but wanted to know what your experience is. Thanks !
The biggest problem with BA tetras is that they are nippy and love eating plants so they will tear through your live plants.

Here is the link to the species profile.
I've never kept BA tetras myself, however I've had alot of customers at Petsmart(my work) saying that the BA tetras are getting along fish with their fish, no matter the aggression level (all community fish). I'd say you should be alright with them in a large school may "nippy" fish become dosile and the agression will be dispersed amoungst themselevs.

Hope this helps,

I have 2 BA's. I kept 3 in my Piranha tank as my LFS said they would be too fast to get caught. Not true, I lost one.

I moved the other two to my 20G. They are nice looking, fast moving fish. They go nuts at feeding time.

They may also be the most stupid fish I have ever kept. The smaller of my two has done nothing but chase his relflection in the side of the tank since I got him! :rolleyes:

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